
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Multicultural Opportunities

Well, another one of those Canadian Security Intelligence Service reports, Venues of Sunni Islamist Radicalization in Canada has been unveiled.  "Radicalization is not limited to religious centres", we are informed through the news media which requested the release of that information through the Access to Information Act.

Funny thing, that.  People who are known to seek out this information have reached that conclusion long ago.  People who deplore the radicalization of Muslim youth in Canada, who warn of infiltration of society by those who enter the country for the purpose of recruiting young Muslims to violent jihad.  People like, for example, Tarek Fatah who founded the Muslim Canadian Congress as an antidote to the Canadian Islamic Congress.
"Parents have radicalized children, husbands have radicalized wives (and some wives have radicalized or supported their husbands) ... and siblings have radicalized each other.
"As this assessment has demonstrated, a large number of venues have been, and continue to be used to further Islamist extremist ideology. ...  As radicalization is usually a social process, it can occur wherever humans interact, in the real world or virtual ones."

The report points out that people who have been interested in the phenomenon have long been aware that an increasing number of Canadians (hyphenated-Muslims) have involved themselves with Islamist extremism.  While loudly claiming that Islamophobia has run rampant throughout Western society, groups like CAIR, with their alliances with Hamas and Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood, help spread their anti-Western values.

Those who have accepted the view that it is their duty as Muslims to engage in violent jihad, to undermine democratic values and replace them with Sharia law, to indulge in their virulently anti-West and anti-Semitic views take seriously the promise that violence against the Infidels and the Jews is a religious duty.  

The fast-track to heroic martyrdom and Paradise is one that impressionable, resentful Muslims adhere to.

Those Canadian extremists who have chosen to vent their religious spleen elsewhere have travelled abroad to take militant training as mujaheddin fighting for the Islamist cause, and there they have learned how satisfying it is to wear suicide vests to threaten the collective lives of not only foreign troops desecrating Muslim geographies, but other Muslims who have no wish to share their violent ideology.

In Canada, it is no longer mosques where imams work to spread violent Islamist ideology, but a long list of other locales; social and educational community groups, and university-student conferences that bring in guest speakers whose affiliation with terrorist groups and viral messages should make them inadmissible to Canada - but in an open society this is not what necessarily occurs.

Other venues like prisons, foreign travel, and the Internet provide invaluable resources for those who make it their business to spread the exciting ideology of extremism, an antidote to boredom and resentment for those whose imaginations run short of loyalty to a country that has given them haven and citizenship and the opportunity to live as equals among equals.

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