Israeli Children’s Trauma Ignored by Washington Post
January 6, 2013 14:47
by Simon Plosker
The Washington Post has published a story examining the trauma suffered by Gazan children as a result of conflict. The scene is set with a vivid and emotive opening:
Fatima still dreams about Ahmed.
Sometimes they’re playing with toys as they used to do. But in other
dreams, she’s looking over the edge of the balcony at her brother’s
smashed and bloodied body, his pink brain spilling from his skull, her
father screaming through his tears.
Ahmed was 7 when he was killed by
an Israeli airstrike during the 2008 Israeli invasion of Gaza. Fatima
was 8 at the time — but that was “old enough to remember,” said her
father, Osama Mohamed Qurtan.
Gaza was attacked, they say, for
the same reason Israel struck in 2008 — to kill Palestinians and seize
more Palestinian land. (Israel says its warplanes carry out precision
strikes on carefully identified terrorist targets.)
While the trauma of Syrian children has featured in the Washington Post, it seems that Israeli children just don’t suffer. Is this because fewer Israeli children have died than Palestinian children? This reduces the story to one based purely on unequal body counts and ignores the bigger picture.
Nobody disputes that Gaza’s children have suffered as a result of conflict. But resorting to the knee-jerk “blame Israel” routine completely ignores reality. A reality where Palestinian children are exposed to danger as a direct result of terrorists operating from within civilian areas turning children into human shields. A reality where Israel makes supreme efforts to avoid causing harm to Palestinian civilians while Palestinian terrorists do their utmost to indiscriminately kill and maim innocent Israelis.
Indeed, following much of the mainstream media, the Washington Post exhibits the familiar tendency to absolve Palestinians of any responsibility for their situation. In this framing of the story, Palestinians can only be victims and are never capable of affecting their own circumstances.
But you wouldn’t know this from the Washington Post where Israel is responsible for the trauma of Palestinian children while the trauma of Israeli children doesn’t even register.
Labels: Discrimination, Israel, News Sources
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