The "Loyal Dog" of Israel
In societies where it seems there is not much to celebrate, something can always be found to distract peoples' attention from their misery. Particularly if the powers that be firmly guide their population to the understanding that their misery has been caused by a powerful entity busy gathering all its assaultive potentials against their well-being. Iran has become a target of the United States, that Great Satan, through a mendacious protocol of sanctions.Sanctions supported by no means by the entire globe, but by those who share the Americans' agenda of slandering the noble nuclear intentions of the Islamic Republic of Iran and thereby doing grave injury to Islam, since the Republic does God's work. The mobs who responded to the Grand Ayatollah's signal that it would represent a noble thing for the godly people of Iran to march in protest against the machinations of the United States did so from a sense of loyalty to country.
The Associated Press published a photograph of the rally, illustrating some of those who demonstrated, young Iranian university women among others. Who responded to the state-backed rally held in front of the former U.S. Embassy in Tehran. The rally was a celebratory event to recognize the 33rd anniversary of the seizure by the Iranian students of the day, taking into custody on behalf of the Iranian Revolution, the entire Iran-based diplomatic corps of the United States.
The stinging humiliation visited upon the Americans was a revolutionary triumph for the country. A gift to the newly installed Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ruhollah Mostafavi Musavi Khomeini. An unmistakable rebuke of stern and uncompromising denial to the supporters of the despised Mohammed Reza Pahlevi, Shah of Iran. Whose lack of commitment to Iranian Shia Islamist values was readily apparent in his move to secularize his country.
His insistence on modernizing the country moved it closer to Western values. His recognition of the State of Israel, his interest in revolutionizing the countries economy, introducing social and political reforms to achieve status as a global power, and his move to nationalize industries made him a target of the country's clergy as well as its secret service. His bid to grant Iranian women suffrage fell by the wayside, when he was forced into exile, the monarchy abolished and Iran declared a theistic republic.
Now, young Iranian women must be clad in form-enclosing dark garb, heads modestly covered. Attending university, their minds unliberated from the burden of a stifling Islamic culture that views women as accursed beings, responsible for any violence that men direct toward them, they are imprisoned and tortured and raped if they rebel against these societal conventions. So when the Revolutionary Guards arrange protests, the women assent.
A pot of gold was promised to anyone who could prove that America does not represent "the most criminal regime on earth". General Mohammad Reza Naqdi promised ten kilograms of gold to anyone who could name a regime "more criminal than the United States". It is highly doubtful that anyone would be foolish enough in that gathering to suggest the Islamic Republic of Iran. But a response to the rhetoric was neither needed nor anticipated.
For in fact the Republican Guard had undertaken the research and surprise "...found Washington is the worst on Earth". On cue Iranian students gathered outside the former U.S. embassy building chanted "Death to America" and "Death to Israel", while burning U.S. and Israeli flags. And, it can be supposed, a good time was had by all. As an exercise in national coherence and popular self-glorifying fantasy it served its purpose well.
The cause of Iranian suffering over shortages of food and oil and medicines and other staples of existence is abundantly clear. The "loyal dog" of Israel, caricatured with a metal chain looped around his neck linked to an Israeli flag is the logical answer. And it is beyond fitting indeed that the former embassy, adorned with Anti-American cartoons is now used as a training site for Guard troops.
Labels: Culture, Heritage, Human Relations, Iran, Islamism, Israel, Nuclear Technology, United States
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