
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

 Avenging the Prophet

"The world should know that our anger is not a passing thing....  This is the start of a serious campaign that must continue all over the Muslim world in defence of the prophet of God.  As long as there's blood in us, we will not remain silent over insults against our prophet."
Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah
The outrage is legitimate in the sense that anything is fodder for Islamists to rabidly foam at any pretense that proves the insolent denigration of the West of Islam's most sacred symbols and precepts.  Islam's own penchant for destroying other religions' symbols of pious worship and belief is tolerable simply because all other religions are recognized to be false, and their practitioners falsely guided.

So it is that Christians throughout the Middle East have hugely diminished in numbers, having been forced to flee a Muslim-dominated geography where Islamists are increasingly imposing their singular rule of law.  Ironically enough, the once-large Christian population that existed since Biblical times in the Middle East were protected by the dictators and tyrants that oppressed their people, yet gave haven to the Christian minority.

That Christian minority has diminished from roughly 20% of the overall population to its present anxious existence of 5%, under increasing siege wherever Islamists have come to power.  And Hezbollah certainly represents a jihadist-terror group whose lack of love for Christians and burning hatred for Jews is well enough acknowledged by reality and experience.  While it is in Israel that the Christian population is increasing.

Yet if the most deluded and absurd denigration of the Prophet occurs from some obscure backwater in the United States it is inflated to represent a living, burning insult, a symbol of Western perfidy and lack of respect for all that is holy and immutable within Islam.  In a rare public appearance, Hezbollah's leader exhorted hundreds of thousands of his enthusiastic supporters to rally against the Innocence of Muslims video that has so enraged Muslims.

A rage, to be sure, that has been carefully engineered by Islamist Muslim clerics anxious to demonstrate yet again how pitifully manipulable and feverishly excitable the Muslim mob can be, ranting, raving, destroying, threatening, ambushing, looting, burning and killing.  A massive rally took place in Beirut, satisfying fully the capability of Islamist leaders to enlist their followers in shows of defiance against the West.

If it weren't so deadly, seriously malignant, it would be laughable that a religion that purports to represent peace and love is in actual fact a menace to the world at large because of the purposeful political and terrorist agenda of a vociferous, powerful few whose capability of manipulating those who have by design and heritage completely surrendered their human rights to the collective instruction of Islam.

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