Op-Ed: The "Two Jerusalems" Myth
Published: Thursday, September 06, 2012 10:17 AM
Jerusalem has always been one city, the one the Jews are connected to through the millenia of history.
Eli E. Hertz
Eli E. Hertz is the president of Myths and Facts, an organization devoted to research and publication of information regarding US interests in the world and particularly in the Middle East. Mr. Hertz served as Chairman of the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting.Palestinian Arabs have nurtured a myth that historically there were two Jerusalems - an Arab 'East Jerusalem' and a Jewish 'West Jerusalem.'
Jerusalem was never an
Arab city; Jews have held a majority in Jerusalem since 1870, and
'east-west' is a geographic, not political designation. It is no
different than claiming the Eastern shore of Maryland should be a
separate political entity from the rest of the state.
an overall population of nearly 800,000 today, separating East
Jerusalem and West Jerusalem is as viable and acceptable as the notion
of splitting Berlin into two cities again, or separating East Harlem
from the rest of Manhattan.
claims to Jerusalem, a Jewish city by all definitions, reflect the
"what's-mine-is-mine, what's-yours-is-mine" mentality underlying
Palestinian Arab concepts of how to end the Arab-Israeli conflict. That
concept is also expressed in the demand for the 'Right of Return,' not
just in Jerusalem - Israel's capital, but 'inside the Green Line' as
Allthough uniting the city transformed all
of Jerusalem into the largest city in Israel and a bustling metropolis,
even moderate Palestinian Arab leaders reject the idea of a united
city. Their minimal demand for “just East Jerusalem” really means the
Jewish holy sites (including the Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall),
which Arabs have failed to protect, and the return of neighborhoods that
house a significant percentage of Jerusalem’s present-day Jewish
Most of those neighborhoods in the city are built on rock-strewn empty land around the city that was in the public domain for the past 44 years.
Destroying History
deny the bond between Jews and Jerusalem; they sabotage and destroy
archaeological evidence, even at the holiest place in Judaism – the
Temple Mount.
Arabs continually denied the legitimacy of the Jewish people’s connection to Jerusalem.
and other Arab leaders insisted - Abbas did it just recently - that
there never were Jewish Temples on the Temple Mount. They also claimed
the Western Wall was really an Islamic holy site to which Muslims have
historical rights. Putting rhetoric into action, Islamic clerics who
manage the Temple Mount have demonstrated flagrant disrespect and
contempt for the archaeological evidence of a Jewish presence.
1999 and 2001, the Muslim Waqf removed and dumped more than 13,000 tons
of what it termed rubble from the Mount and its substructure, including
archaeological remains from the Jerusalem First and Second Temple
periods, which Israelis found at dumping sites.
construction of a new underground mosque in a subterranean hall
believed to date back to the time of Herod, and the paving of an “open
air” mosque elsewhere on the Temple Mount, the Waqf barred the Israel Antiquities
Authority from supervising, or even observing, work. When
archaeological finds from any period – Jewish or otherwise – are
uncovered in the course of construction work, the Authority is mandated
by law to supervise and observe everywhere in Israel – legislation that
dates back to 1922 and documented in the international accord of the
League of Nations – the “Mandate for Palestine.”
gross disregard for the pre-Islamic Jewish heritage of Jerusalem –
particularly on Judaism’s holiest historic site – is a far more
insidious form of the same Islamic intolerance that motivated the
Taliban to demolish two gigantic pre-Islamic statues of Buddha carved
into a cliff in Afghanistan..
attitudes have not changed since the words below were written over 100
years ago, when the name Palestine was used to denote the Jewish link to
the land. :THE JEWS IN JERUSALEM by Edwin S. Wallace, former U.S. Consul, Constantinople, Published by Cosmopolitan Magazine – 1898
“It is hardly exact to call Palestine “the Land,” or Jerusalem “the City, of the Jews” to-day. But Palestine is the land of Judaism and its chief city is beyond doubt the world’s capital of this particular form of religious belief.
“In this City of the Jews, where the Jewish population outnumbers all others three to one, the Jew has few rights that the Mohammedan or average Christian is bound to respect.”
(For more, see http://www.mythsandfacts.org/)
Tags: United Jerusalem ,Temple Mount
More on this topic As published online at ArutzSheva7, 6 September 2012
Labels: Culture, Heritage, Israel, Judaism, Religion, Research, Traditions
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