
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

(R)evolutionary Quebec

"We can adopt criteria and rules to see what is acceptable and what is not.  We will define the sandbox in Quebec.  When someone arrives he'll know what society he will live in.  A society of equality where the state is neutral, a society which will respect the choices people make in their private lives but in the public sphere it will be clear what we expect of each other and the understanding we have for mutual respect."  Pauline Marois, Parti Quebecois leader

Respect is big for the Parti Quebecois.  They require huge respect.  Being part of Canada is not respectful of the Quebec nation.  It represents a huge humiliation.  Quebec and Quebecois are exceptional, they share little with other Canadians, so why go on pretending there is anything in common?  English Canada reveres its British traditions, French Canada abhors them.

As Pauline Marois says, respecting British tradition is to agree to remain forever colonials and Quebec wants no part of this.  How does English Canada incorporate Quebec's wishes when it removes a painting by Riopelle to replace it with a painting of the Queen of England?  It is embarrassing, humiliating to Quebec, yet another poke in its delicate eye.

As much as it is insulting to Quebec while it remains in Confederation for the while, to see important positions being held by unilingual Canadians.  Anyone holding a position of prominence in Canadian politics, jurisprudence, governmental department heads should be fully bilingual to enable precise and respectful communication with Quebec and French-speaking Canadians.

And that goes for the rest of Canada as well, since, after all Canada is officially bilingual.  Quebec is an exception in this matter of full language rights and this is meet and just.  Because the Parti Quebecois holds it to be so.  The courtesy extended beyond Quebec in highway signs printed bilingually need not be reflected within Quebec because, for one thing, other Canadians should make an effort to speak French.

As for those Quebecers not fluent in French and seeking services in English the solution is simple; improve your French or move out of the province.  Meanwhile, should the Parti Quebecois be successful in being restored to government in the coming provincial election set for September, Bill 101 will be strengthened to reflect the need of the French language to be protected by the majority English onslaught.

This time around, company names will be translated into French, no longer 'protected' as legitimate English names to be given exemption on the Quebec landscape.  And companies employing in excess of 25 will conduct all business in French.  CEGEPs too must be prepared to use French only, as will be the case for the province's independent child-care centres.  No more tolerance for the creeping English language intruding where it is not wanted.

People will learn that accommodation will go so far and no more.  No more covering up windows where women are dressed appropriately for exercise manoeuvres to protect the delicate sensibilities of the orthodox whose faith quivers in anguish at the sight of a woman in shorts.  And definitely no longer will the state tolerate anyone foolish enough to venture into the public sphere covering their faces; we want to see every feature of every face. 

Quebec is sick and tired of a Conservative government that makes all the wrong moves, insulting the province with its decision-making, inimical to Quebec's social values.  Cutting art funding, the long gun registry; outrageous! Quebec's culture is not the culture of Canada; its language is not the language of Canada.  As the epitome of a proudly modern welfare state, Quebec challenges Ottawa to demonstrate its commitment to such values.

Back in the seat of government, Quebec City will challenge Ottawa incrementally on every issue of provincial responsibility encompassing all the areas the federal government now intrudes upon and insults thereby the nation of Quebec.  Until the final solution presents itself with a provincial vote for sovereignty.  When, with dignity intact, Quebec will walk calmly away from an unjust union of distorted values.

And how the Parti Quebecois, ruling a separate Quebec plans to sustain itself economically to continue its generous social programs has yet to be enunciated.  Last time the Parti Quebecois was in power 26.4% of Quebec's revenues came from equalization transfer payments from the federal government to the unique, exceptional, very French, totally nationalized Province of Quebec.

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