
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Monday, August 06, 2012

Formidably Vengeful 

"Well, guilty as charged.  We are very much supportive of the family - the biblical definition of the family unit.  We are a family owned business, a family-led business and we are married to our first wives.  We give God thanks for that. We operate as a family business ...  our restaurants are typically led by families; some are single.  We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families.  We are very much committed to that.  We intend to stay the course.  We know that it might not be popular with everyone, but thank the Lord, we live in a country where we can share our values and operate on biblical principles.  
"I think we are inviting God's judgement on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say, 'We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage', and I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is about."
Dan Cathy, Chick-Fil-A CEO
 Well, isn't that a mouthful.  Of course has every right to say what he feels.  And he obviously feels rather passionately about the issue of gay marriage.  Possibly because gay marriage cannot result in issue.  At least that's the biblical interpretation.  On the other hand, you don't have to be a religiously committed person to think that gay marriage is an utter absurdity.  A formal domestic arrangement with religious and state-sanctioned formality of marriage makes sense between a opposite genders.

Because gays insist they have the very same rights of companionship and love and opportunity as heterosexual couples they believe that the traditions of the consecrated covenant of marriage should apply equally to same-sex couples.  Hence, the absurdity of 'husband' and/or 'wife' nomenclature referring equally to male or female; gender seems irrelevant in the aping by homosexuals of heterosexual nomenclature because of the insistence on equal rights and recognition.

On the other hand, if gays want to insist that they want it and they want all of it, all right, who cares?  In fact who really cares about what consenting adults get up to in their bedrooms?  It is private and should remain that way, irrespective of peoples' sexual orientation.  In that privacy is where respect resides.  The insistence of in-your-face differences requiring full acknowledgement in public is an intrusion into other peoples' sensibilities.

The fast food enterprise called Chick-Fil-A has brought down the wrath of the liberal-left and gay, lesbian, transgendered and all the other sex-selection types because the people who own and operate the corporation have been front and centre about their beliefs.  Why not, since those who criticize them are front and centre about theirs?  We're talking America after all, the country that celebrates itself on its right-to-free-speech social environment.

However distasteful it may appear to many who are not evangelical and/or Christian in their life orientation, it appears to be well enough known that the Cathy enterprise funds Christian causes, colleges, churches, foster homes, Campus Crusade for Christ, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and other like obviously fundamentalist Christian groups.  It is their right to do so, after all, perfectly legal and acceptable.

And since they support fundamentalist Christian causes they naturally would not see themselves in support of same-sex marriage.  So what, for goodness' sake?  The CEO of the corporation was deliberately prodded to make an explicit statement about his support for traditional family values.  And it is his honest albeit provoked response that has elicited such a degree of outrage from those who support gay marriage.  Now isn't that also absurd?

But the man, his family and his enterprise are being punished for not supporting the social travesty of gay marriage.  Those seeking to ingratiate themselves in the opinion of gays, lesbians, transgendered, sign on to the notion of same-sex marriage.  I would hazard a guess that there are plenty of gays, lesbians and transgendered - but especially gays who have a more sober, balanced view of their gender roles, and wince with distaste over the entire issue.

These are the people who evade public scenes of gayness, don't wish to support flamboyant and raucous, let alone raunchy displays of public provocations like Gay Pride Parades, and have no personal wish to
tantrum over an insistence of acceptance of gay marriage.  Neither they nor those who find the fuss a total bore being foisted on the public sphere feel anything but good wishes for gays to find their comfortable place in society.

Without all the hullabaloo and uprooting of others' traditions in the process.

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