
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

 Queerly Anti-Semitic

They're at it again, the annual Gay Pride parade in Toronto, funded by public support, inclusive of a small group of rowdy, aggressive Jew haters who just happened to be very queer.  And so the Queers Against Israeli Apartheid - whatever that is supposed to mean other that a sheer expression of incurable stupidity - are once again making their appearance in public, spouting their skewed slander.

All levels of government in Canada have taken the time to publicly and loudly denounce this group, but nothing deters them.  Ah, well of course, one thing did.  When the Municipality of Greater Toronto said it was prepared to withhold funding if the group blackened the name and reputation of the city's Pride parade, it can be assumed that the QuAIA did not show up because they were politely asked not to by Pride organizers.

This year, it seems, they are to be given $120,000 in subsidies without last year's qualifications, even while a majority of councillors voted to denounce "Israeli Apartheid".  So the anti-Israel, anti-Zionist, anti-Semites will be at it once again, spewing their vitriol and providing side-entertainment for those who turn out to witness the colourful, noisy spectacle.

They'll hear such charming ditties as: "Butch! Femme!  Bottom!  Top! Israeli Apartheid has to stop!"  It's unlikely to win any awards for creativity and distinctive theatricals, nor, one would imagine, much of a following, but it isn't applause those haters are looking for, but condemnation of the only state in the Middle East where parades such as their own are permitted.

Completely irrelevant to them, quite obviously.  One of the signs highlighted in the newspapers, held aloft with furious pride read: "We stand with Queers in Palestine".  Well, they don't, actually.  Nor would they, or could they.  Although because they are so ferociously in support of Palestinians they should make the effort to travel there, and in that setting exhibit their gender proclivities for an enlightened demonstration of what 'standing with Queers in Palestine" would garner them.

They would not be gently chided as they are in Toronto, but they would realize the fear and oppression that Palestinian Arabs who have the misfortune to be gay, or queer, transgendered, or confused ordinarily experience.  Not that it matters to them, the gay issue being their handy screen in their pretense to be concerned for the welfare of gays in the Middle East, when the true issue is their burning hatred for Jews.

Which brings into action the Jewish LGBT group, Kulanu, there to counteract the viragoes of hatred.  An understandable action of self-defence and support for Israel where gays are given equality and respect from those quarters who recognize their rights. 

In Israel, the Jew-bashers would not have to look too far for support of their anti-Jewish venom; they'd find it in a good portion of the Israeli-Arab population and the ultra-orthodox Jewish demographic as well.

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