
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Islamist Dementia

The Canadian champions of Omar Khadr will wince in disgust at the latest published diatribe by Ezra Levant. He certainly has it in for poor Omar. The child terrorist. As though poor Omar had much say in his fate, after all. He was born a child of al-Qaeda. His Egyptian father a notable presence in that organization pledged to destroy democracy and infidels.

Indoctrination at an early age for the entire family was decreed not only by Omar's daddy, but by his mother as well, a foam-mouthed detester of the decadent West, who spits fury at the very thought of the injustices the West heaps on Islam. But who, oddly enough, chose to return with her brood to Canada, to take up their citizenship here where they can live more easefully than in any Islamic country.

Canada's universal social welfare system suits them just fine, thank you very much. Not that they have gone out of their way to thank Canada, mind. But that's the thing about these rabid haters, they are also opportunists who feel themselves entitled to take whatever is on offer. While despising those who so generously offer.

In his newly-published book, The Enemy Within: Terror, Lies and the White-washing of Omar Khadr, Ezra Levant lavishes well-earned scorn on those who degrade the West who are of the West, and who champion the cause of the child soldier because he was fifteen at the time he was involved in a firefight in Afghanistan, as though he were an innocent child.

He was, in fact, a dedicated jihadist, proud to be involved, to do his part in the task set out for him by the group he was attached to, meeting his father's expectations of him. He was prepared to murder in the name of Islamism, those who resembled the Canadians among whom he grew up with, living in Toronto, before his daddy took him and his brothers to do their duty as combatants.

Accused of killing one of two medics, the remaining American medic saved the 'boy's' life. American specialists flown in to administer to this radicalized Muslim kid who aspired to become someone whom his father would look up to - had he lived. But there's always momma. The Khadrs live again in Canada, all three generations of them, still espousing their hostile ideology.

There are sufficient numbers of those in academia, unions, politics of the left, who support the movement to bring Omar Khadr back to Canada, hoping that his prison stay will be abbreviated by a significant number of years. As though Canada is badly in want of additional furtively covert Islamists willing and eager to plan other violent ill deeds to afflict us with.

The very prospect of that time when he will be released, and welcomed back to the viperous bosom of his sister and mother, steeped in the bitterness and grievances of victims prepared to exact revenge, where his presence will be vied for by university speaking engagements, and where he will be invited to receive the odd honorary commendation is painful to contemplate.

But it is, however painful, on the horizon.

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