
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Iran, The All-Powerful

October 14 editorial cartoon.

The Head of the Snake is not overly concerned, feeling fairly complacent that they know with whom they're dealing. An administration facing as many problems as Iran itself is, but Iran's Supreme Leader is answerable to no one, least of all the electorate. President Barack Obama faces his electorate, already livid with anger over unemployment, two costly foreign wars, the state of the country's faltering economy, universal health coverage, and the obvious and growing gap between the wealthy and the poor.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has had ample time to observe what occurs when Iran takes positions that prove to be unpopular internationally. From sending out beyond Iran's borders state-sanctioned assassins to ensure that expatriates know if they become too successful criticizing the Islamist regime they will die, and no one seems to care too much - to dispatching stealth bombers to attack Israeli and U.S. interests abroad.

And, of course, demonstrating how utterly impotent the U.S. has been in exerting its diplomatic and political will in the United Nations and with the IAEA to dissuade the Republic of Iran, through inadequately laughable sanctions that developing nuclear weapons is not acceptable. When it is quite obviously acceptable indeed. Iran has no fear of raising the ire of the U.S. for nothing particularly results.

Mahmoud Ahmedinejad is able to visit New York and spew his acid contempt for the United States within the United Nations. The president of Iran stands in the world's preeminent institute dedicated to world peace and harmony, and offers its members Iran's position on a member-country; that it should be destroyed. No reproach has ever emerged from these declarations.

Venezuela and North Korea have demonstrated that they too are invulnerable to any meaningful actions emanating from either the United States or the United Nations. United they prevail; united we fail.

Too extraordinarily inept to give credit to such an awkward plan coming out of Tehran as the assassination of the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States in a Washington restaurant popular with members of Congress and the Senate? Well, luck out on apprehending such plans and then judge the results.

The Supreme Leader has commissioned his Quds Force to complicate life even further for the United States. This is the long-drawn-out response from Iran to the confident and friendly overture of the latest American president to hope for detente between his country and that one. The hand held out in friendship has been slapped back time and again.

Yet that friendly hand persists, while the voice that accompanies the hand insists that the U.S. will respond to all provocations. How provocative must an incident be to release a response that is commensurate with the slight or the threat?

Iran is free to continue its mission in the world. It has been dispatched on that mission by the Supreme Authority. Not to be confused with an Earth-dweller. To Allah alone does the Supreme Leader answer. That mission is clear and Iran is steadily and confidently measuring the days to the completion of that mission. Those who seek to intervene will be destroyed.

Iran's spreading hegemony in the near east is born of the influence it exerts on its proxy subordinates. Take your pick; Iraq, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Gaza. Not to overlook Turkey and Syria. Allahu Akbar!

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