
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Seriously, Now?

Well, it's called the "serious plan for serious times", and it's quite obviously what Dalton McGuinty wants the electorate to consider, seriously. Do we doubt his sincerity? He tells us famously that he has put himself to the test and whatever he has done, it has been on our behalf, to make life better for Ontarians, even if it costs us. This is, of course, the man who vowed it wouldn't cost us. Tax dollars, more taxes, that is.

Isn't that what politicians are most popularly wont to promise? No.more.taxes. And we're delusional enough to believe them, giving them the opportunity to do as they say, so they can proceed to do as they wish. But we're all adults, those who vote, and we do know the score; seems we're just addicted to a kind of self-agony of repeat-errors. On the other hand, are there alternate options?

It's Dalton McGuinty's Liberals or it's his closest rival, Conservative Tim Hudak. We've had ample experience with the Conservatives too, and we know for certain that former premier Bill Davis was one-of-a-kind. And so was Mike Harris. It's his kind we would prefer not to return to. So there it is, Dalton or Tim. What a prospect.

A re-elected Liberal government is prepared to give university and college students a huge tuition break. Families earning under $150,000, which would mean 5 out of 6 students, would qualify. Amazing that families earning between $100,000 and $150,000 would require tax-paid funding to send junior and junior-ess to university. We don't all have juniors and juniorettes.

And since the Liberals took over from the Conservatives annual spending has increased at 7% for the past eight years. Under the Liberal government in Ontario, program spending has soared from $63 billion to $113-billion. We aren't certain how much of that is sheer wastage, but a certain proportion most certainly is. Inept administration and tossing tax money after harebrained schemes; ehealth comes to mind, energy sources as well.

Dalton loves to remind Ontario voters that under his rule we have more hospital beds, nurses and doctors. We're grateful. We simply adore, and with good reason, our health care system and OHIP. But it's we who pay for it, and we against whom a health-insurance fee was levied, through premiums that brought an additional $2.4-billion into government coffers; that first big tax increase.

The Green Energy Act, which the Liberals hastened to solidify into law lest a succeeding Conservative-led government repeal it, will exact far, far more from residents of Ontario through sky-rocketing electricity costs. But it will burnish the Liberals' record of their devotion to energy responsibility, and environmental championing.

This is the Liberals' "balanced approach" to governing. Dalton McGuinty balances his promises against the imposition of his decision-making; one-minus-one=zero.

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