
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dictating to Duceppe

Former Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe has gathered his marbles and headed for home, fuming. If he cannot have it his way, he will not have it any way. After all, this is a man who has reason to believe he is eminent and eminently entitled. How else to describe a man who feels justified and worthy of respect for speaking plainly; informing Canadians that they have a right to Canada, and Quebecers have a right to expect their province to become a stand-alone nation.

Of course, there are certain federal-owned institutions and authorities that should remain the property of the new country of Quebec. And the old country of Canada, which owes Quebec greatly for having enhanced its presence and reputation over the years since Confederation, must pay, must continue to pay its dues. Much as Gilles Duceppe felt justified in being paid handsomely out of taxpayer-funded federal funds to exercise his prerogative to lead his province into a final divorce.

Canadians still scratch their heads in confusion over why they must accede to the absurdity of paying a tin-pot politician who preaches sedition and requiring in the process that he be respected and permitted to mouth his impassioned, treasonous spittle-and-spite in the House of Commons. We are such a civil, politely biddable people. Far be it for us to inform a social-political malcontent that he should peddle his wares elsewhere for we've no interest in supporting him and them.

The man feels it his birthright to grandly deign to accept funding from the federal treasury plunked there by the Canadian taxpayer which has accommodated itself for an awfully long time to the Quebec-centric view that by remaining within Confederation the province is due heftily unwieldy transfer payments to 'equalize' its popular social programs with those of the rest of Canada.

That while Quebec offers its residents premium, preferred programs not seen elsewhere in Canada, the taxpayers must also fund his separatist party as though it is a federal party representing Canada's interests. And that party, reduced now by the vagaries of a voting population that occasionally consumes those it once lionized, was for far too long influential in pursuing separation, while presenting as Canadian Parliamentarians, handsomely paid for their efforts.

Retired now into the oblivion of post-election losses, but adjusting well to the misfortune of rejection, while living well on gold-plated pensions, courtesy of the people of Canada. And that still includes Quebec. Now that the Bloc is in sick bay, contemplating belly-button lint, and the NDP has taken up its cudgel as the Official Opposition, Mr. Duceppe has need of a new bully pulpit.

And along came CBC's French-language station Radio-Canada, tailor-made for an unrepentant, unregenerate separatist to hold forth with his political views, likely to enjoy a fairly good reception as a has-been with a simmering presence. But whoops, he failed to read the fine-print of the irresistible offer to vent. The station's inconvenient policy that two years must lapse before a former politician may relieve himself of political commentary.

"Although Mr. Duceppe did not want to approach topics from a partisan perspective, he did want to comment on current events and public policies", the CBC Radio-Canada, Medium Large program spokesperson explained. The fact being that "accomplishments in culture, science, sports or social work" do not represent Mr. Duceppe's passion.

He would not be restrained to such comments; he would balk ferociously at refraining from offering up his brilliant opinions on Canada's stranglehold on Quebec nationalism and the province's brilliant future without Canada, and its glowing exceptionalism. Guess the program will have to content itself with the other ten commentators' offerings.

What a shame.

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