
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

In Canada : The Glorification of Terrorism


"The terror apologists' celebration of the solemn occasion of October 7 as 'resistance' and an opportunity to target Canadian Jews is a testament to the Trudeau government's laissez-faire approach to crime, national security, immigration and integration."
"By failing to give law enforcement greater powers to crack down on protesters' intimidation and harassment of Jews and others, the government has enabled repugnant behaviour to escalate."
"Moreover, with Canada battling a teen terrorism problem, these protests are fertile grounds for radicalization." 
Joe Adam George, national security analyst, Middle East affairs, contributing writer, Macdonald-Laurier Institute
Montreal Imam Adil Charkaoui's speech has drawn broad condemnation for inciting an anti-Israel mob from the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs. (Adil Charkaoui/X)
Suddenly the Canada that celebrates itself for its peaceful, tolerant multiculturalism has become a country no longer recognizable. Cradling to its bosom a large contingent of the population to the tune of 1.8 million Muslims whose presence totally eclipses the much smaller demographic of Canadian Jews numbering 300,000 nation-wide. Jews in Canada also vastly pre-dated the entry of Muslims as Canadian citizens and landed immigrants; in a sense mirroring the situation in the Middle East in the contested geography popularly known as 'Palestine', an area of traditionally Judean ancestral heritage that local Muslims originally from Syria and Egypt claim as theirs.

Jews first arrived in Canada in 1760. It took another 120 years before the first Arabs arrived, pre-dating a Muslim influx to join the Arab Christians that had come before, roughly following the end of the First World War, with the fall of the Ottoman Empire. World Jewry now stands at about 16 million, in contrast to the Muslim empire with well over a billion people. Islam is considered to be the fastest-expanding religion in the world, at the present time. Militant, political Islam has pinpointed Jews as their universal enemy, picking up where German fascism left off.

And in Canada the results have over the years simmered covertly in Muslim suspicion and distrust of Jews. It has taken a combined Palestinian terrorist pogrom, an organized mass murder and rape of Israeli Jews in a horror of marauding psychopaths in their thousands who hunted down, raped, mutilated and slaughtered Jews on October 7, 2023, to reveal the deep hatred, contempt and violence in the minds of majority Muslims and Arabs worldwide on a rampage of antisemitic rage that has taken over the streets of world capitals. In some of the countries of Europe, governments have acted to protect their Jewish populations from harassment, threats and violence.

Such has not been the case in Canada, as day by day since that horrendous atrocity in southern Israel across the border from Gaza, marches, protests and viral gatherings have assembled to indulge in clearly criminal activity to chant inventive against Jews in Canada as Israel has become a target of diabolical slander meant to isolate it while raising doubts in the minds of onlookers, many of whom are prepared to give credence to such slanders as 'apartheid' and 'genocide' being committed by the Jewish State that is a model of accommodation to other faiths and ethnic groups.

Israel has been attacked by proxy militias loyal to the Islamic Republic of Iran in its Shiite Axis of evil intentions whose focus is the elimination of Israel and the death of Jews everywhere. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps; Quds division, has formed, trained and armed terrorist groups from Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon and Yemen, Syria and Iraq in a web of antisemitism and the aspiration to destroy the Jewish State, attacking Jews internationally through terrorist plots of lethal violence.

Roving crowds of 'pro-Palestinian' sympathizers who align themselves with the Hamas supporting diehard Jew haters demand a ceasefire, while also shouting 'Intifada', and 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free', chanting that Jews should leave Canada and go back to Europe, the charnel-house of the Holocaust, denying Jewish indigeneity to the Middle East, where Israel sits upon its ancestral patrimony. And so Jews are verbally assault, violently threatened, synagogues and Jewish parochial schools fire-bombed and shot at, Jewish businesses defaced.
Protest encampment at McGill University’s campus in Montreal. (Peter McCabe/Reuters)
And Canadian governments at all levels appear to be blind to the situation, while some among them go out of their way to be helpful and accommodating to the hordes of antisemites, whose focus on Jews strums a familiar chord in some of those authorities' own inner feelings of racist rage. "We don't want two states! Bring us back to '48!", shout many of the anti-Israel protestors, since the fact is just that; Palestinians do not, and never did, envision themselves in a parallel state with that of Israel. Only the elimination of Israel and the freeing up of the land for sole Palestinian possession suits them; both the West Bank and Gaza.

A bit of an awakening has resulted with the anti-Zionist mob ever emboldened by the lack of consequences to their group psychopathology, when there is no action from government authorities or officers of the law, persuading the haters that there are no penalties for their criminal actions and as such enticing them to be more open over the extent of their pathology. Palestinian youth collectives, at the direction of foreign agents paid by Qatar and Iran, continue their raving and organizing of anti-Israel, anti-Jew marches without interference. 
Pro-Palestinian demonstrators gathered in downtown Montreal in October 2023. In November, Montreal police received a complaint about speeches made during those demonstrations. (Danielle Kadjo/Radio-Canada)
Honouring Hamas and Hezbollah leaders who have died as 'martyrs' as 'great men and 'heroes'. In 2011 the Macdonald-Laurier Institute study of Muslim public opinion in Canada discovered a small minority only of Canadian Muslims unequivocally rejected Hamas, Hezbollah and the Iranian regime. Among them 35 percent would not reject al-Qaeda. Recent immigrants, migrants and refugees who have arrived in Canada  under the Liberal government's generous invitation to find haven in Canada from their own governments' depredations, now support the terror they fled, because it targets Jews.

Half of the current 1.8 million Muslim demographic in Canada immigrated from 2011 onward to the present. These newcomer protesters from Lebanon, Syria and Iran came to Canada to escape the terrorist groups that targeted them, the very same terrorists they celebrate, while living in Canada. A mosque in Windsor, among many others in Canada glorified the "resistance" and "martyrs fighting Israel". Muslim youth radicalization in Canada is becoming a problem that uncontrolled immigration is not helping.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators outside the fenced in area of an encampment on the University of Toronto campus on May 2, 2024, in Canada. Photo by Cole Burston/AFP via Getty Images.

"A year on from the October 7 attacks, the results of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's 'post-national' Canada experiment do not bode well for the country's future."
"Canadian values and national security are under attack, and our leaders are doing nothing about it. The Trudeau government's appeasement of terror apologists has failed Canadian Jews."
"Canada now has parallel societies and mainstreamed violent extremism -- both of which have become the new normal."
Joe Adam George
"Cross-national surveys conducted in the years before the current Israel-Hamas war show that Canada was among the world’s least antisemitic countries, in the same league as Sweden and the Netherlands. To see whether this remained true during the Israel-Hamas war, I conducted a survey in February 2024 involving four independent samples of Canadians: 1,121 non-Jewish adults, 1,010 non-Jewish university students, 414 Jewish adults, and 312 Muslim adults. For non-Jews, I provided a battery of statements about Jews, half positively worded, half negatively worded, calculated an average score, and found little change in attitudes toward Jews since the period before the war. Some 87 per cent of non-Jewish Canadians have positive attitudes toward Jews".
"Yet police-recorded hate crimes against Jews have skyrocketed in Canada since the war began. For example, in Toronto, the number of hate crimes against Jews jumped 75 per cent between 2022 and 2023, with the post-Oct. 7 period responsible for most of the increase. In Toronto in 2023, Jews were the victims of 78 per cent of all police-reported hate crimes based on religion. Muslims took second place at 17 per cent."
ROBERT BRYM | OCT 07 2024, University Affairs

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