
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Canadian Physician Training, CanMEDS, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada


"I am writing today to state categorically ... that systemic racism exists in Canadian society and within its health care systems."
"I will work to further an anti-racism agenda at the journal." 
Kirsten Patrick, editor-in-chief, Canadian Medical Association Journal

"The CanMEDS protagonists, it transpires, are led by a colleague of mine, Ritika Goel, assistance professor at the University of Toronto."
"On X, she self-identifies as a 'South Asian woman. Family doctor and Activist. Immigrant and Settler'."
"Mom of two. Tweets on health, politics & social justice."
Leigh Revers, associate professor, Institute for Management and Innovation, University of Toronto
Photo: TheConversation.com
The governing of Canadian medical practise throughout the country is undergoing a wholesale change under a set of guidelines that delineates the professional attributes all doctors in Canada must adhere to: Collaborator, Leader, Health Advocate, Scholar, Professional, Medical Expert. Disciples of the medical profession in Canada are now adjured to Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility as their guiding light.  

The 'experts' guiding the CanMEDS revolution call for abandoning the white man's culture of medical practise, leaving behind traditional evidence-based medicine for foregrounding virtues of social justice activism. Canadian doctors are now expected to relate to critical race theory, prioritizing the lived experiences of patients who, through Google searches know precisely what they wish their medical treatment to consist of.

And who are those experts privileged to conduct a massive makeover of traditional protocols in the practise of scientific medicine? The above-mentioned Ritika Goel for one while the other nine CanMEDS members of the Anti-Racism Expert Working group embrace four Black members, an over-representation given the Black demographic in the overall population. But a demographic that has an especial racial axe to grind. Whereas a third of Canadians are represented by men who are white; not one of whom appears on the committee.

Those self-appointed activists who have gained the ears, eyes and trust of the medical community's august heads whom they have persuaded that the time has come to shed racism and open the medical community's arms to the welcome of minority, immigrant, former slave, Indigenous and LGBTQ-2 practitioners whose 'lived experiences' will guide the profession forward, in respect for the huge successes realized by the non-scientific medical community have been hard at work.

They feel the weight of their entitlement, granting them the invitation to exclude former colonialist white men as symbols of the patriarchy, so it becomes natural to the outcome and success of the new CanMEDS, forward-looking advance in medicine that white men be excluded. Three female authors of a CMAJ article excoriated a study focusing on South Asian populations, scandalously conducted by all-white researchers.
"White ... senior authors in leading medical journals ... can misrepresent White academics as experts on South Asian health", the three female authors wrote. Alex Abamovich, a transgender man, in an 2022 interview for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, urged his colleagues to discuss pronouns with long-time patients: "Gender identity can change over time ... I think it's important to also let longtime patients know that you are open to speaking about changes in their gender identity."

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