Palestinian Protests for Hamas -- The Time Has Come
"Whether it's on the street. Whether it's at work. Or whether it's in your place of worship. It could be at a synagogue.""Everyone will be held accountable."Leader, Pro-Palestinian march"During protests themselves, police can play a variety of roles, including traffic manager, negotiator, and public relations professional, as well as security guard for protesters, their targets, and member of the public alike.""Even when arrests or tactical operations are legally justified, police will frequently choose to employ different strategies, including the use of police liaison teams [PLTs] to negotiate with protesters."Justice Paul Rouleau, commissioner, report on Emergencies Act"I know hate when I see it, and most of these so-called demonstrations are NOT Charter-protected.""It is time for order to be restored in Toronto so all of us can enjoy life without harassment and hate from angry mobs."Toronto councillor James Pasternak"If they’re going to break the law, if they’re going to assault our police officers or assault our police horses, there will be consequences and people will be arrested.""[Police were aware of a number of] agitators [who were present at multiple demonstrations in Toronto and who were stirring up violence].""Toronto police attend these gatherings to maintain public order, facilitate crowd control and above all to ensure the safety of everyone present, be they demonstrators, officers or the general public.""We respect the right to assembly and to expression, but it’s crucial to understand that these rights are not limitless. Our officers are well versed in their authority during demonstrations, and when they take actions, it is unacceptable to obstruct them or become aggressive towards them.""We have engaged in ongoing discussions with protest organizers for many months. We have been clear on what lawful demonstrations include and do not include. Despite our repeated warnings and cautions, some protesters on Saturday refused to cooperate or follow police directives. This culminated in physical aggression towards out officers, a serious departure from the principles of lawful demonstration.""These actions are anything but peaceful. They jeopardize the safety of everyone involved, including those who get caught in the fray and have no intentions of engaging in altercations with police.""There are individuals consistently involved in the protests who act as agitators, and who are becoming increasingly confrontational and violent."Lauren Pogue, deputy chief of Community Safety Command, Toronto Police Service
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is not a question of whether the aggravated and pestilential series of
'pro-Palestinian' protests and marches are getting out of hand. From the
very inception of this odious phenomenon, when the first of these
Palestinian-organized rallies supporting the Canada-terror-listed Hamas
governing Gaza began, even before the slaughtered Israeli victims'
bodies turned cold, their sentiments congratulating Hamas for a job well
done were disgustingly displayed on the streets and byways of Canadian
after the October 7 bloodbath when Hamas terrorists flooded across the
Gaza border with Israel, PLFP and PIJ terror groups following closely
behind, as did Palestinian civilians anxious to loot and to rape and
kill, the organized celebratory events praising Hamas and condemning
Israel as the aggressor-occupier continue to riot throughout Canada.
Calls for Israel's annihilation through the ubiquitous chant "From the river to the sea", "Intefada", and "Final Solution!" deliver the message of hate, a crime under Canadian law.
reason these public riots are becoming increasingly violent is obvious;
they've been tolerated by authorities for far too long, under the
banner of 'free expression', despite their onerous effect on the targets
of their hateful spite and threats; the Canadian Jewish community. Now,
finally, six people have been arrested on the past weekend. One of them
a woman for flinging horse manure at officers, along with another woman
who used a flagpole as a 'spear'. The crowds of supporters of Hamas
terrorism, in fact have been emboldened because their vicious antics
have been tolerated.
"Toronto Police tried to kill Palestinians in broad daylight!",
one protester claimed hysterically; an overblown charge reflective of
the usual hyperbole employed by these people who feel they are entitled
to obstruct life for others sharing public spaces, while threatening
Jewish residents and citizens of Canada. Police, finally, have either
been given orders from municipal councils, or have themselves decided
that there has been more than enough slack in handling these incessant,
disturbing riots.
rallies have brought with them, an uptick in public antisemitism that
no longer tries to hide itself but engages in blatant expressions of
hatred of Jews. Jewish-owned businesses have been targeted. Jewish
parochial schools, Jewish institutions, social centres and synagogues
have all become fair game to the supporters of Palestinian terrorism.
Notably in a Toronto area heavily populated by Jews, protesters set
themselves up for days on a bridge leading to the community, a stone's
throw from a synagogue and a Jewish school.
living in the area were forced to take alternate routes to arrive at
their homes, an inconvenience that, had any other group been involved,
would have resulted in arrests for blocking public thoroughfares.
Counter-protests finally led to police clearing the area. Police have
demonstrated a type of tolerance up to the present that the protesters
took for granted. On a Toronto weekend just past, one of the protests
videos showed a female police officer being intimidated by a group of
men while the crowd howled "F****** bitch", and "F****** pigs".
so, finally, it appears that their violent tactics, their illegal
wearing of masks during protests, their threats against the Jewish
community, their calls for the destruction of Israel, their promulgating
of vicious antisemitism has come to an end -- at least in Toronto, dare
we hope, and with a return to sanity, elsewhere throughout the country.
Labels: Antisemitism, Hamas Butchery in Israel, Israel Defense Forces in Gaza, Pro-Palestinian Protests in Canada, Toronto Police Services, Violence
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