
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Mincing No Words

Retired Lt.-Gen. Michel Maisonneuve criticized everything from the removal of historical statues and apologies to victims to government climate change policies in a speech he made after accepting a top defence award Nov. 9 at an Ottawa gala.
Retired Lt.Gen. Michel Maisonneuve
"Can you imagine a military leader labelling half of his command as deplorables, fringe radicals and less-thans and then expect them to fight as one?”
"Today's world is also where taking personal responsibility for our own actions has disappeared from the landscape while the phenomenon of collective apologies flourishes in our country."
"Individuals and groups fight over who gets to wear the coveted victims' cloak."
"Canada's prosperity is being sacrificed at the altar of climate change as opposed to being used to help the world transition to clean energy."
"[Activists' actions tossing paint and soup at art treasures to raise awareness of climate change are] as heinous as it is useless. The perpetrators should be punished, not celebrated."
"Unbiased reporting seems to have died with Christie Blatchford and Matthew Fisher."
"[The judgement of leaders is lacking] against the standards of today. Enough statues have been toppled; erasing our history is not the solution."
Retired Lt.-Gen. Michel Maisonneuve
The national creme de la creme of Canadian political and military elite were in attendance, an audience of some 600 individuals who had assembled for the annual Vimy Gala billed as "one of the most exclusive formal dining evenings in the country which unites the defence and security community", hosted by the Conference of Defence Associations Institute. Retired Lt.Gen. Michel Maisonneuve was being honoured.

The chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada chaired the event as Mr. Maisonneuve accepted the Vimy Award in recognition of his lifelong contributions in defence, including work on military education, support for veterans, and his commitment to official bilingualism. And as he was being awarded this recognition, he made a speech. That speech making it evident that this man receiving recognition for his extraordinary contribution to society does not believe the nation has been well guided.

And, it would seem, his esteemed audience of senior military officials shared Lt.Gen Maisonneuve's disappointment in Canada's leadership, along with his inclusion of other countries, similarly led representing the free world, as it were. Lt.Gen. Maisonneuve received a standing ovation for his critical remarks. Clearly, climate change policies, removal of historical statues and victim apologies were not hugely popular among those present.

The good man's low opinion of leaders who fail to unite and whose actions instead, divide, was vented in a speech of pointed allusions without directly naming anyone in those high offices. "Can you imagine a military leader labelling half of his command as deplorables, fringe radicals and less-thans and then expect them to fight as one?" he asked rhetorically. Don't be shy, Justin Trudeau, stand and acknowledge the accolades coming your way. You too, Hillary Clinton.

Goodness, members of the Trudeau cabinet were also present; the nation's national security adviser for one; did she bow or blush? Take, for example the characterization of the hordes of people from all walks of life who supported the Truckers' Protest in Ottawa early in the year. Their prime minister labelled them a "fringe minority" with "unacceptable views", unrepresentative of most Canadians' values. He governs, evidently but not for all; those critical of His August Persona excluded.
He has also, on occasion spoken of those disagreeing with him as "racist", "sexist", "homophobic" and "Islamophobic". Enemies of society, all. For they are not mere discontents, malcontents, disapproving of a Liberal-left-woke government they -- though someone must have -- did not elect. In a democracy where free speech is close to sacrosanct, speech critical of Canada's prime minister is sacrilegious and punishment is due.
This prime minister is as big on punishment as he is on promoting LGBTQ-2 rights. Vice-Admiral Mark Norman, once second in line to Chief of the Defence Staff was slandered and persecuted by Justin Trudeau on false charges of disclosing secret information relating to shipbuilding issues for the Canadian Navy; his career in tatters to satisfy a vindictive prime minister who believed Admiral Norman had defied his authority.  

He would be the first in a long list of those who were punished by the prime minister for resisting his instructions, even if they were illegal; Minister of Justice Jody Wilson-Raybould would be next followed by the Minister of Health Jane Philpott joining the ranks of the belittled and dismissed. The PM that saw fit to accept 'gifts' from 'family friends' who lobby government for preferential treatment and subsidies another issue in league with elevating a faux charity to service a government program at an exorbitant profit even as the PM's mother and brother were paid handsomely to represent the charity.

Justin Trudeau who enjoys apologizing to groups hard done by in the distant past by previous governments, has never seen a situation revealing his lack of judgement causing embarrassment to the country by his juvenile self-absorption that rated an personal apology. Lt.Gen Maisonneuve spoke of social media, cancel culture and a society "lost in these days of entitlement. Me First, not my problem and endless subsidies and handouts". 

The Trudeau government has an especial fondness for raiding the national bank for subsidies and handouts, raising the deficit and the national debt to unheard of levels. Borrowing heavily to enjoy the popularity of one who comes to the rescue of those hard hit by bad economic times to ensure they know who to vote for; the fellow who has the key to the lock on the national money vault. So that, when distressing times begin to fade, all that extra income was seen to have been banked in individuals' accounts.

On the other hand, someone must have voted these scoundrels in. Perhaps it wasn't anyone in the military; could be it was mostly those who were rescued by government's unstinting generosity to those in the much-vaunted middle class and to corporate interests where, after cashing government top-up subsidies it was seen fit to award bonuses to shareholders and boards of directors.

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