
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What?!?! Men Can Never Be Women...?

"[Libraries] have always supported vulnerable communities by welcoming and creating space for different perspectives, rather than through censorship."
"One of our core responsibilities is to safeguard and facilitate access to constitutionally protected expressions of knowledge, imagination, ideas and opinion, including those which some individuals and groups consider unconventional, unpopular or unacceptable."
"Another is to make available our public spaces and services to individuals and groups without discrimination."
Vickery Bowles, Toronto head librarian

"A woman is a female. That's it. And if you are born male there is no way to become female. It's simply not biologically possible."
"And beyond that, why would a male ever NEED to 'become female'? I mean, by all means, be yourself, dress how you like, express yourself as you wish, in ways that make  you feel good and authentic. Push back against gender stereotypes."
"But why that would demand one is literally the opposite sex, I do not know. 'Woman' is not simply a set of stereotypes, an outfit, a feeling. There is nothing wrong with being male or being a male who rejects masculinity."
"But it is ridiculous to say that if you reject gender stereotypes you are literally no longer male."
Meghan Murphy, feminist writer, columnist, blogger, activist
 Meghan Murphy on gender identity Oct. 29, 2019. Chris Young/The Canadian Press

"Murphy asserts publicly and repeatedly that trans women cannot be women and will always be men."
"This is a denial of the lives, experiences, and identities of trans people. It is a crude, hateful and hurtful assertion."
"It says that the existence of trans people is invalid and that therefore their human rights are up for public debate."
Pride Toronto
"Those who want to disseminate hate speech today know that they can misrepresent, then weaponize the phrase 'freedom of speech' in order to get what they want: an audience and space to speak to and then mobilize that audience against marginalized communities."
Transgender rights activists outside a Toronto Public Library branch where writer Meghan Murphy spoke at an event on Oct. 29, 2019.  Chris Young/The Canadian Press
A feminist activist whose understanding of biology is vastly at odds with those in the 'progressive' wing of society who fulminate against a realistic interpretation of sexual identity citing nature and biology as their guide, is labelled a hate-monger. Well, that's par for the course when clear-headed reality bumps headstrong against those who insist that if a man rejects his malehood and opts to consider himself a herself instead, his decision, his appearance, his behaviour, his expectations and his entitlements to 'hers' recognition without question and without typical pronouns be not only respected but lionized as the new reality.

Meghan Murphy, with her master's degree in gender sexuality and women's studies -- with her focus on "women in the media and the medicalization of sex", has become the new enemy of the LGBTQ2 community, joining Jordan Peterson and others of his presumed sociopathic ilk, spewing hatred because they simply speak of the realities of nature's selection in gender and sex endowments. Ms. Murphy achieved notoriety by testifying against a Canadian law, Bill C-16, adding gender identity and expression to the prohibited grounds list of discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act.

As far as she is concerned, realistically, empowering transgenderism, disempowers women's rights. That men who decide to inform the world that they are not really men, but women, and entitled to be viewed as such, and entitled as well with their exceptional status, to compete against women in elite sports competitions despite their obviously male genetic inheritance of greater strength, victimizes women in that arena. Men claiming to be women insist on entry to women's washrooms, prisons, and any safe-from-harassment areas women claim as their own.

More latterly Ms. Murphy engaged in an exchange with the ultimate transvestite, a Vancouver resident by the name of Jonathan Yaniv, a flamboyant narcissist who calls himself Jessica Yaniv, with a high-profile presence on the Internet, as a coarsely provocative, rude bully whose interest in young girls and online exchanges with them discussing intimate body parts should alert anyone to the fact that this man is practising a particular type of perverse social indiscretion. Highlighted when he brought serial human rights discrimination claims against immigrant southeast Asian women working out of their homes as estheticians,

He made a practise of contacting these vulnerable women to enquire about the availability of Brazilian waxing, casually dropping the head-splitter that 'she' was in possession of male genitals and a male body, with the expectation that this would not be an issue of contention. The women were frightened and refused the request once aware that it was a man requesting such an intimate service they were not prepared to provide. One after another, this disgustingly unprincipled man filed complaints against the women, putting them out of business, and threatening them.

Jessica Yaniv Courtesy Jessica Yaniv

There were seven complaints in all, seven impoverished women whom this man targeted and terrorized. Ms. Murphy became involved and in so doing revealed much publicly about this man's female status and the incomprehensible reality that he had an ardent following supporting his wretched complaints against those whom he had chosen to serially hound as a male predator championing his rights as a woman.  Fortunately, B.C. Human Rights Tribunal member Devyn Cousineau found that Yaniv had been deceptive on numerous occasions, targeting small businesses for financial gain "or to punish certain ethnic groups which she perceives as hostile to the rights of LGBTQ+ people." Complaints dismissed.

And while 'Jessica' Yaniv has contrived to convince the gullible that he is a she and entitled to be viewed as such, and not the unsavoury clod that he really is, his feed on Twitter is protected, while Meghan Murphy suffered the indignity of having her Twitter account withdrawn, in line with the social media site's hate and harassment policy in support of the transgendered. Yaniv permitted to continue spewing his special brand of filth, and Ms. Murphy's free speech rights utterly curtailed.

Ms. Murphy has responded to invitations to speak to others who share with her convictions that appall the LGBTQ2 community, withholding full support of their harassment techniques against the segment of the public that fails to fall all over itself in admiration and support of their aggressive tactics attempting to socially and politically marginalize those they view as their detractors. Accusing them of hateful propaganda, of inciting to violence, when nothing could be further from the truth. A substantial but silent proportion of society merely shrugs while withholding personal involvement.

But they are seen as guilty of transphobia and labelled as 'haters'. An engagement to speak at a branch of the Toronto public library has seen a campaign unfold of raging anger at the accommodation given to allow Ms. Murphy to air her beliefs and opinions as an activist feminist with ample experience in her field of study and her professional life. Petitions to the library denouncing their decision to allow Ms. Murphy a public platform, and exhorting the library to reverse its decision appear to have gone nowhere.

Other than that the library is now written off as a participant in the Toronto Gay Pride parade, just as occurred in Vancouver when a library branch there was open to having Ms. Murphy speak to a similar gathering that has failed to be subservient to the demands of the LGBTQ2 community for total commitment to their cause, and they too were banned from Gay Pride Vancouver's parade. Oh, the pain of it all, the indignity of being denied the opportunity to appear as a happy banner-flaunting supporter of the LGBTQ2 community. We can live with it.
"A scrotum is different than a vulva — regardless of the gender of the person it is attached to."
"Given the difference in techniques, training, and physical body parts, it is not appropriate to lump both together under the broader  rubric of “genital waxing”, or — as Ms. Yaniv argues — 'genital waxing for women'."
B.C. Human Rights Tribunal member Devyn Cousineau 

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