Abortion Rights the Guiding Principle of Liberal Governance Under Feminist Trudeau
"As a small Christian church that was planning to apply for the Canada Summer Jobs program to offer a summer internship, the recent changes have been quite a shock and disappointment."
"And yet, because of our commitment to the sanctity of life and to biblical teachings, our government is discriminating against us."
"The very group that the Liberal government claims to care about -- students, refugees, children and people in need -- will all lose because of these changes."
Brad Jones, pastor, Woodgreen Presbyterian Church, Calgary
"[The attestation is consistent with] the Government of Canada's commitment to human rights, which include women's rights and women's reproductive rights, and the rights of gender-diverse and transgender Canadians."
"Women's rights are human rights [including] sexual and reproductive rights -- and the right to access safe and legal abortions."
Employment Ministry Canada, Applicant Guide
"The wording of the attestation is either very ambiguous and it needs to be clarified, or it's completely unambiguous and it needs to be changed."
"The end result, whatever the intent may or may not have been is that those who can't check off that attestation are being denied equal access to a public benefit solely because of their religious belief."
Julia Beazley, director of public policy, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
Pro-choice group Love Team Peterborough march carrying bright pink signs alongside the Peterborough Pro-Life group outside Peterborough Regional Health Centre (PRHC) on Saturday April 15, 2017 |
According to the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, service levels may be reduced by some organizations who rely on the grant to hire summer students, giving them employment, and offering additional services under their auspices to those whom they serve, as a religious community. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms that all Canadians rely upon to ensure they are free to unimpeded practise of their religious beliefs is, in fact, being contested in this new exercise undertaken by the Trudeau government, of excluding from public funding through tax dollars those groups and organizations whose religious convictions go counter to the official Liberal support of abortion on demand.
"In addition to the obvious and unfortunate infringement of the freedom of conscience and religion in such matters as are raised by the new policy, there will be unfortunate consequences on the ground", stated the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops -- unambiguously. The attestation affixed to the application for summer employment funding had been added after a report indicated that anti-abortion groups had received federal funding through the summer jobs program, granting funds to hire students by small businesses, non-profit organizations and public-sector groups.
"We have had extremely successful summer placements of students of all backgrounds. We will feel the loss of students this summer", said executive director of Ontario-based New Life Prison Ministries, Rosemary Redshaw, unable to sign the attestation that goes awry of her organization, shutting her out of the grant program. The Canadian Council of Christian Charities, representing 3,400 organizations, has been fielding a massive number of communications relating to the new application form. "Right now, many members are saying 'we can't sign this attestation', and if they don't click it on the online application, their application is stopped", explained the organization's director of legal affairs.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau prides himself on being a 'feminist'. He inserted a feminist agenda into high-level executive talks with his international counterparts in the Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement, effectively scuttling by his insistence, the successful conclusion of the trade agreement, then followed that imbroglio up with introducing trade giant China to the novel idea of feminist ideals, thinking he could persuade them to implement his personal feminist agenda in a trade deal between Canada and China. The Chinese were pleased to politely set aside a trade deal with Canada, preferring not to infuse trade with feminism.
A majority of Canadians support a woman's right to abortion. Many of that majority feel that there should be limits to that right; for example, unrestricted abortions during the first trimester, and otherwise when there is a danger involved with the mother's health being imperilled, but that there should be a cut-off period as the foetus matures toward sustainability. Support for a woman's right to decide what she will do with her own body is fairly universal; there is no need for public coercion on the part of the Liberal government, and particularly this 'feminist' Prime Minister.
Labels: Abortion Rights, Canada, Employment, Trade, Trudeau
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