Margaret Trudeau's 'Golden Boy'
"So this is something that no one who's worked in Parliament has seen before. There are traditions, there's a way of working that has to exist. There are things that require consent."
"A lot of the stuff, you know, it's the tip of the iceberg that you use here. There's a lot of the other parts of the work that have to be done working together collaboratively."
New Democratic Leader Tom Mulcair
"It's one thing for the government to use the tools that are available to it to implement its agenda. It's another thing to take away tools from the opposition, and that's what we're seeing."
"This [Liberal government] is now taking away the tools that are available to the opposition ... changing it from having a government and opposition in the House of Commons to a government and audience in the House of Commons."
"And that is something that is extremely undemocratic."
Conservative House leader Andrew Scheer
In a still image from House of Commons video, Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau, centre-right, is seen reaching in for
Conservative whip Gord Brown, centre, as NDP Leader Tom Mulcair,
centre-left, stands by. The video shows the prime minister bumping NDP
MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau, right. (CBC)
On Wednesday morning, the Trudeau princeling who was given the assent of 38.6 percent of the Canadian vote to become Prime Minister gave Canada a demonstration of his genetic inheritance, the traits he inherited from his proud mama, in a drama-charged, impulsive, narcissistic, entitled display of a petty dictator hard at work. Impatient with the pace of Parliamentary procedures, he left his seat to make his way across the floor with the intention of escorting Conservative MP Gordon Brown to his seat.
While so doing, and while Mr. Brown kept telling Mr. Trudeau to take his hands off his person, Mr. Trudeau violently elbowed another Member of Parliament, NDP MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau painfully in the chest, to expedite her move out of his way. Another MP, Tracy Ramsay, heard the Prime Minister to exclaim: "Get the f---k out of my way" in approaching Mr. Brown.
A few moments later a confrontation takes place on the floor between Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Mulcair with both shouting at one another. A visibly upset Thomas Mulcair shouts at the Prime Minister: "What kind of a man elbows a woman? It's pathetic! You're pathetic!" This is an opinion quite obviously not shared by the man he is chastising with such passion, who feels that he is in control and all others should have the good sense to cater to him.
The Liberal government under this Prime Minister is not fond of being contested or challenged in any form. The thrust and parry of parliamentary debate when political opponents disagree on an issue is not meant by the government in power to pass a bill that would stifle debate, but this is precisely what Mr. Trudeau's Liberal government set out to do, to the outrage of the opposition parties. This situation cut a new low for any government in power.
And it is telling that it came from a Liberal government which promised during the election that it was prepared to do everything far differently than its predecessor. And so far, it has; it has renamed government departments, gone out of its way to change legislation brought in by the previous Conservative-led government, and extolled its own virtues ad nauseum, even as it went about breaking one election promise after another.
"I am ashamed to be a witness to the person who holds the highest position in our country do such an act. I want to say that for all of us who witnessed this, this was deeply traumatic. What I will say, if we apply a gendered lens, it is very important that young women in this space feel safe to come here and work here."
"He made us feel unsafe and we're deeply troubled by the conduct of the prime minister of this country."
NDP MP Niki Ashton
Labels: Ottawa, Parliament, Prime Minister Trudeau
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