A Deal To Die For
"The choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy and some form of war. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not three months from now, but soon."
"I have not shied away from using force when necessary . . . I’ve had to make a lot of tough calls as president, but whether or not this deal is good for American security is not one of those calls. It’s not even close."
"It’s those hard-liners chanting ‘Death to America’ who have been most opposed to the deal. They’re making common cause with the Republican caucus."
"The single greatest beneficiary in the region of that war [Iraq] was the Islamic Republic of Iran, which saw its strategic position strengthened by the removal of its long-standing enemy, Saddam Hussein."
U.S President Barack Obama

President Obama speaks at American University's School of International Service on Wednesday. (Pete Marovich/Bloomberg News)
The President of the United States is defending his administration's fairly unpopular, and certainly untrusted deal with the Republic of Iran over its nuclear technology. His self-defence and sanctimonious righteousness holds as much water as his red-line-in-the-sand threat against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should he use chemical weapons against his people.
In that instance, chemical weapons were used, Vladimir Putin convinced Mr. Obama of the merits of diplomacy, and arrangements were made to haul off all of Syria's chemical weapons stores.
And now, while Syria continues to use chemical weapons attacks against his Sunni Syrian citizens, he also uses the far more deadly barrel bombs to obliterate the areas of Syria's cities where defenceless non-combatants live, the ongoing slaughter continuing apace, hidden behind the protective screen that the presence of atrocity-loving Islamic State boastfully shows to the world.
President Assad knows enough to hide from the scrutiny of the world community the devastation he wreaks, with the able assistance of his mentoring Iran.
The President of the United States has resorted to attacking his opposition Republicans by his statement that they're in bed, as it were, with Iranian hardliners who are also opposed to the nuclear deal with their country. As though they're reading from the same hymnal and their agenda meshes; a rather wretchedly nasty bit of slander on the part of a man whose embrace of diplomacy doesn't extend beyond Iranian delegates, to embrace his own countrymen in the U.S. Congress and Senate.
A disappearing act that would be best accomplished expeditiously with the use of an nuclear explosion. Mr. Obama insists that his faulted deal with Iran will avoid war. Unlike what he believes, or claims to believe, a great many people feel that war, a war that Iran initiates is now inevitable, with Iran in possession not only of powerful conventional weapons, but the most powerful of non-conventional weapons.
Israel's is a tiny sliver of a geography, quite unlike large, geographically expansive Iran, which has gloated that a nuclear response from Israel would take its toll, but their country would survive, while Israel would not. In view of that level of threat, does the President of the great United States of America believe that Israel is being melodramatically paranoid?
Other nations can count on a fair degree of separation between their safety and Iran's bellicosity augmented with nuclear weapons; Israel cannot.
Iran's nuclear infrastructure will be left largely intact. Even if Tehran and the Supreme Ayatollah Khamenei do adhere to their part of the agreement -- hugely doubtful, given Iran's propensity to prevaricate, hide, lie, engage in Islamic taqiyya, the ends justifying the means to throw an enemy's suspicions off -- it will take Iran little time to resume its program geared to acquire nuclear warheads to accompany its ballistic missiles.
In the interim, the release from sanctions and the freedom that vast billions give it will continue to fund terrorism and the proxy militias like Hamas, Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad, along with Bashar al-Assad's horrible war on his own countrymen.
The supreme leader (centre) told supporters that US policies in the Middle East are diametrically opposed to Iran's policies |
Labels: Capitulation, Iran, Negotiations, Nuclear Technology, Sanctions, United States
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