
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Plotting Control

"I think we are approaching a perfect storm of big money and limited accountability coming together in ways that really threaten American democracy. It's going to be decisive in 2016."
"So it's a way to communicate with a wide range of voters and really get your message out there. I mean in 2014 we saw a lot of evidence of big money that went into the top 10 senate races and almost all of them ended up breaking in favour of Republicans and money was a big part of the overall story."
"It means Democrats are going to be seriously outspent. Essentially, we have a party of rich conservative activists and they are going to spend as much as Republicans or Democrats."
"These are smart business people. They wasted their money in 2012. They went back and studied their failures and they recalibrated their strategy and their communications."
Darrell West, money and politics expert, Brookings Institute

"To my knowledge there have been no actual investigations of alleged coordination between candidates and outside groups in the last couple of years."
"There's no cop on the beat ... (Big donors) pretty much know the agency is not going to act if they break the law."
"So you are going to see candidates and parties drowned out."
Daniel Weiner, campaign spending expert, Brennan Center for Justice

What a story; affirmation of a worldwide Jewish conspiracy to control the free world. Didn't we see it coming? Weren't we warned? Isn't that in essence what the Protocols of the Elders of Zion essentially said was on the horizon? We let our guard down, obviously. And now, there it is, Jews, money, politics, news media, control, there is the blueprint and the goal, and there, looming on the near horizon is the result. And who is breaking the story? Jews, of course.

These are not simply billionaires setting out to buy election results to favour their party, their candidates, their agenda, their world view. This is world Jewry finally reaching the pinnacle of success, achieving the long-sought-after-goal of power. Raw power. Shock waves, we are informed by the latest news being circulated, are reverberating throughout Washington.

At the news of the billionaire Koch brothers' plans to spend $900-million to promote the conservative candidates who find favour with them in the 2016 presidential campaign. Barack Obama may have had limitless support from Hollywood, the new left, academia, and the downtrodden, and he may have been skilled in the use of social media to reach far and wide, and his campaign chest may have brimmed with contributions, but this is Big Money on the horizon, folks.

This is new: buying the forthcoming Government of America. Or is it? Have not, in fact, American election campaigns been all about cold, hard cash and who is throwing it around most lavishly for ultimate effect? Putting the lie to the message that the most humble of American citizens can aspire to the presidency...  Well, dreams die hard, and anyone can aspire, but without the assist of proper conspiring backed by reams of riches, dreams remain dreams, the goal elusive as a wisp of mist.

America is on the brink of an oligarchy in the hands of the wealthiest one percent of the one percent of the one percent ad infinitum. Bill Gates could have chosen to use some of his wealth in that manner, but he's a WASP, not a Jew, and he chose to become a global humanitarian, inoculating the indigent worldwide against disease. His type of philanthropy is not of the political variety, benefiting an ideology other than humanity.

But we have it on the highest authority: billionaires, according to Darrell West, an expert at the Brookings Institute, are buying America, lock, stock and barrel; White House, National Rifle Association and Petroleum resources. The 2010 U.S. Supreme Court ruling opening the door to unlimited corporate and private interest spending on political advertisements led the way; a conspiracy of the Supreme Court justices in the pay, no doubt, of those influential Jews.

Total funding for election spending in 2012 by outside parties reached $828-million, below what the Koch network is prepared to spend four years later. OpenSecrets, tracking campaign spending reveals this to be a fact. The limited advertising space on airwaves is set to be consumed by the Koch brothers' campaign. They're not the only ones; billionaire Sheldon Adelson's $98-million to defeat Barack Obama in 2012, to be considered as well.

Then there's George Soros, Tom Seyer and Michael Bloomberg; wealthy all, influential all, Jews, don't you know? The Koch brothers brought together hundreds of wealthy donors to Palm Springs, California for three days of strategizing to elect Republican conservatives in 2016. This was the "largest concentration of political money outside the party establishment", according to The New York Times which managed to deftly side-step the Jewish element involved.

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