What! In France?
"There is a terrorist threat in France. It is undoubtedly the main challenge of our time."
"Vigilance, calm, determination. These are the key points."
Prime Minister Manuel Valls, Paris
France may boast the largest Muslim population in the European Union. France can also boast of its banlieues where police dare not tread, areas of Muslim-only entry, where crime flourishes unimpeded by the law, wracking up statistics such as the number of vehicles burned on any given day, each month, annually; a famed feu de joie.
But it is the ongoing attacks by French Muslims that have heightened concerns in the country about Islamist terrorism. Beyond the hundreds of Muslims who have dispatched themselves to the jihadi fields of conflict in Syria and Iraq. Hundreds of additional military personnel are set to be tasked to the streets in a reinforcement of security forces to maintain the peace. To protect French citizens from ... French citizens.
In Dijon and Nantes more than 20 people were wounded when men drove vehicles into crowds of people. One of the drivers shouted what the newspapers characterize as an Islamic rallying call; presumably 'Allahu Akhbar'! for God is Great! is he not? But delicacy of language does not always permit stating the obvious for fear of sensitive feelings being aroused and then all hell breaks loose.
Both drivers involved, according to authorities, were said to be mentally unstable. A reflection of the diagnosis in Canada and Australia when similar events of 'mentally disturbed' people involved in Islamist jihad linked to ISIS, were also the subject of controversy over whether they were legitimately jihadists or merely some of society's mentally ill.
The mentally ill population, relatively few of whom commit atrocities, can have their tender feelings hurt, but never, ever, the Islamic population whose hurt feelings can occasionally snap back in accusations of Islamophobia; whereas Lunaphobia has never quite caught on.
Another mentally ill man in Joue-les-Tours entered a police station with a concealed knife to attack three officers until another officer shot him dead.
"These three events do not appear to have any link" President Francois Hollande assured his people. Still, the timing of the attacks on successive days did justify, he said, "extreme vigilance". The mentally ill coordinating their lunacies. French citizens are coming under attack, it is feared, in reaction to the government's support for the U.S.-led air campaign in Syria and Iraq.
Their biases against Islamist fascism coming home to roost as it were. Those famous/infamous "lone wolf" attacks urged on by Islamic State propaganda, challenging good Muslims to honour their responsibilities to Islam. Bernard Cazeneuve, the French interior minister, informed journalists that the city's attack where a man drove a white van into a crowd of pedestrians at a Christmas market was "in all likelihood the act of an unstable person."
One of those victims of the 'unstable person' in the Nantes attack, alas, had died, with aides to Mr. Hollande characterizing the event as a "clinical death", whatever that designates. And in Dijon, the city prosecutor stated that the driver who rammed into pedestrians the day before, injuring 13 people was a 40-year-old French citizen of Algerian and Moroccan descent who was possessed of "serious and long-established psychiatric issues".
A French Muslim who had been treated formerly for psychiatric issues on 157 occasions. Which must lead to the conclusion that the mentally ill among Islamists commit to violent acts against other French citizens where mentally ill French citizens who are not Muslim feel little compulsion to visit death on others of their nation.
Labels: France, Immigration, Islamists, Threats, Violence
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