Well, Oops!
A few years back, when Barack Obama was still relatively new in his position as president of the United States of America he had introduced Silvio Berlusconi to his wife, Michelle, at a G20 meeting. Photographs taken of the event, seemed to illustrate some hesitation on the part of the First Lady. Her hand, extended for a formal handshake, his arms extended for a warm hug. Neither the president nor his wife seemed to relish physical contact with the oafish and aging Lothario.The trouble seemed on the surface to be, he lacked class. He himself thought that of little importance. He had, after all, ample financial resources, and he was loaded, he was certain, with irresistible charm, so much so that the ladies simply swooned at his presence, and virtually begged to be invited to one of his indiscreetly vulgar parties. It's doubtful whether President Obama would ever have thought of inviting Mr. Berlusconi to Washington.
Italy isn't France, after all. The French are more cosmopolitan, discreet, suave, tempered in their affairs. While Italian newspapers and particularly those that revelled in the manly exploits of their prime minister eagerly published his manic and rather epic sexual encounters, they were re-published as scandal items in the world press. French prime ministers and presidents are also known to indulge in extramarital and injudicious sexual alliances.
In Paris, the newspapers maintain a respectful distance. Or, rather they did. Until the advent of a new Socialist, free-thinking president elected to the Elysee Palace, one who casually brought along the latest of his bedroom alliances. Another aging Lothario, this one with a romance that lasted decades with three offspring resulting, before he decided to move on to another conquest.
What on Earth is it that attracts buxom young women with brains and beauty to these peculiar physical specimens of manhood? Personality? Brains? Humour? Money? Power? Presumably all of the above, though understanding the mechanics and the emotions involved become no less difficult when accepting those 'admirable' traits and characteristics.
In any event, here is French President Francois Hollande whom the French press appeared to have few scruples in revealing as an utter cad, an unscrupulous womanizer, a user-and-leaver-of women in a society where sophisticated women appear to accept such demeaning attitudes, and he is visiting Washington for a formal get-together.
President Obama -- who extols the virtues of marriage and decries the cultural penchant of black men begetting children and deserting them and their mothers, a sexual mercenary who hadn't even bothered to personally inform Valerie Trierweiler that she must leave her assumed position as First Girlfriend to a successor, leaving it to the press -- is not averse to welcoming him in Washington with open arms.
This contemptible man who uses and abuses women in the most flagrantly dismissive manner appears to have been given the stamp of approval by the Obamas. Enough so that he is introduced as a visiting head of state, to their daughters. Although it's hard to feel much in the way of compassion for the women whom Francois Hollande has loved and left since they too matched his casual disregard not of propriety but of moral decency, his reception by the Obamas seems rather peculiar.
He is still that, isn't he? Just asking.
Labels: France, Italy, Social-Cultural Deviations, United States
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