No Misunderstanding the Issue
Running for public office, particularly at that executive level of political responsibility, is a clear career choice. One that should logically obviate any decision to operate simultaneously in another career choice. To do so is compromising to a degree that conflicts with time and attention to the position that should represent one of primary importance, not to be diluted by any other activities demanding of time and attention.
Elected Members of Parliament, and appointed members of the Senate of Canada equally should be instructed unequivocally that all other business ventures should be in suspension while they are exercising their four-year election mandate. Their complete attention should be focused entirely on their obligations to the people of Canada and the welfare of the country. They are paid a salary generous enough to enable them to do just that.
And just that; a complete focus on that job alone should be the primary and sole focus. Still, what Justin Trudeau engaged in, a multitude of speaking engagements, building on his celebrity as a son of a former prime minister, and as a current Member of Parliament, to charge public institutions and charities of every description for his time represents a double error in judgement.
He is, first of all, obligated to the public whom he is charged to represent as an elected Member of Parliament. He is well compensated to speak at various events as an MP, and with a measure of authority as an MP. To extract a very generous speaking fee from charitable enterprises hoping to raise funds to further their agendas is the clear act of someone without principle.
And more's the pity of it.
Labels: Celebrity, Controversy, Government of Canada, Human Relations
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