Killing Kaffirs
This is a phrase that is self-explanatory, other than for those who have no idea what 'kaffirs' refers to. It refers to them; they need not ask for whom the bell tolls, it is for them. This is a promise, it is a purpose, it is a goal expressed by those who have completely surrendered their humanity to a twisted aspiration ascribed to a religion that demands of its adherents that they honour and obey and submit without question to the demand of jihad.These are people who groom themselves for the blessed status of martyrdom. To become killers in the name of inspiring terror in all those who spurn their own submission to Islam. Worship of Allah is the purpose of life and there is no other benefit that can accrue other than to fulfill that mission first and foremost. That submission clarifies the meaning of life and lest the faithful permit their minds to lapse, five daily prayers remind them.
The pathology of avenging Islam for the presence of unbelievers, infidels whose presence on Earth is a rebuke to the faithful that they have been insufficiently inspired to act to turn the infidel toward Islam, requires a warning be sent. That warning comes in the form of terror. To relieve the state of terror a simple enough solution exists; surrender. And it is just that abdication of reason and clinging fervently to jihad that William Plotnikov surrendered to.
In this undated photo provided by the Dagestani branch of
the Federal Security Service, the Canadian, William Plotnikov, left,
poses for a photo. Russian agents placed the elder Boston bombing
suspect under surveillance during a six-month visit to southern Russia
last year, then scrambled to find him when he suddenly disappeared after
police killed a Canadian jihadist, a security official told The
Associated Press. (AP Photo/Dagestani branch of the Federal Security
Service via NewsTeam)
"Terrorism, to kill non-believers. This is what I do. Allah gave me fuel, a bunker, a lot of brothers. I eat and think a lot. I think how to kill them. I make a plan how to kill more non-believers, when to kill them.... Something is coming concrete to you for the sake of Allah.
"Victory comes only from Allah."
After Vitaly Plotnikov became aware that his son William, visiting with a family friend in Russia, and exhibiting alarming symptoms of fanaticism, informed the Russian security authorities, he was anxious for his son to return to Canada. "I told him, 'Willy, religion is not a bad thing. It disciplines people and makes them more pure, clean. But fanaticism never was a good feature in any religion.' And he said, 'Honestly dad, really your eyes are closed by evil. I take the laws of God but not people.'"
And that was the last the father knew of his son. "But I understood that he was waiting to be called to the mountains. At that time he was still in Moscow, and they probably requested him already and he needed money to go there", which was why he had contacted his father back in Toronto, to ask of him that he provide him with the funding he required.
Once back in the mountains, where he lived in a camp near a small village called Utamysh, William Plotnikov filmed some video footage meant for propaganda purposes. He filmed some of his jihadist companions stating their compulsion to 'kill kaffirs'. And he recorded himself, as well. "So this is how we live. We are not suffering, we are not in need. We need only Allah's help and he does not leave us, his servants."
"We have food, we have someone to make that food and there are other brothers who perform their duties and this will be rewarded. And therefore non-believers you will never see what you would like to see. We have food. Allah is with us, we have our guardian, Allah, but you do not have one. We will kill you."
This, from an ordinary young man, described as quiet and unassuming by his father. Who, to his parents' bemusement, converted to Islam. And who, according to his grieving father, was recruited to jihad by an extremist, at a mosque, in Toronto. Before he was killed by Russian security forces near yhe village of Utamysh in 2012, William Plotnikov believed as a devout Islamist that he was honouring Islam.
"We are not superheroes, we are also in need of Allah's help and he is helping us and I am asking Allah that by next spring he gives us an opportunity to kill more non-believers, so the military trucks blow into pieces, fly around like rags. Allah is almighty and he will assist."Clearly, Allah was not listening to this very particular supplicant. But honour was achieved, nonetheless, for he and his companions in jihad became martyrs.
It is now 'next spring'.
Labels: Canada, Human Relations, Islamists, Russia, Security, Terrorism
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