Triumphant Misfortune
Iran has ramped up its ballistic missiles program. By sending a satellite into space, complete with a hostage. Iran is good at that kind of thing. It has taken more than its share of hostages. This one was a monkey, and it is reputed to have returned back to Earth after the blast that took it into orbit. One hopes it may yet enjoy a long life and good health. We think kindly of the fate of poor dumb animals coerced by man's presumed superiority over the other creature of the earth to become experimental living objects.And, in a sense, don't mind all that much when a nuclear scientist working zealously on behalf of the Islamic Republic of Iran meets his end in a bid to halt the progress of Iran's nuclear program. But, never fear, there are other means by which the Republic can be introduced to pain, of the economic variety, by launching 'crippling' economic sanctions. That deleteriously affect the country's financial stability.
And which friends like Turkey accommodate themselves to by laundering money to send into Iran, and others like North Korea continue to diligently aid and assist in the forward momentum of the nuclear program. Um, just a minute. A massive explosion damaged the mountain redoubt of the Fordow nuclear facility? No kidding. Oh, just kidding. According to official Iran's response to the leak, in any event.
It's a malicious lie. Speaking of lies, how about the U.S. trumpeting the success of its dedicated sanctions program. So successful that the hugely expensive designing and manufacture of satellites and the propulsive rockets that send them into space are ongoing, nonetheless. Nor is it cheap to commit to finalizing the success of the country's nuclear program, enriching uranium to beat the band - to beat the IAEA's inspection attempts, in any event.
But an explosion!? Surely not? There have, of course, been other explosions at other sites, but this facility lies deep and protected under a mountain, immune to any kinds of bunker-busting bombs currently in the hands of the Israeli military, given depth and layers of concrete protection barriers.
Balderdash or however it's spelled in Farsi, according to the Republic spokespeople.
Such reports represent "Western-made propaganda"; we know this because Alaeddin Boroujerdi, chairman of the Iranian parliament's Committee for Foreign Policy and National Security has assured us of that fact. Despite that both Israeli intelligence and the American WND reported that deep within Fordo, there occurred a deep WHUMP! where those thousands of gas centrifuges are producing enriched uranium. The better to bomb you with, my dears.
This disclaimed report claims, nevertheless, that an explosion took place and it was a catastrophic one, destroying much of the installation (oh be still, my triumphant heart!). And that about 240 personnel, Iranian and North Korean technicians have been trapped deep underground. How is it that WND is so certain?
Well, an Iranian formerly associated with the Islamic Republic's Ministry of Intelligence and National Security, now given safe haven in Norway, said so.
Hamidreza Zakero claims the blast was of such ferocity that it shook facilities within a three-mile radius of the Fordow plant. A no-traffic radius of 15 miles was enforced by security forces. The highway from Tehran the capital, to Qom, the holy city nearby the Fordow Plant was shut down after the plant, for awhile. Sounds legitimately credible. Dare we shout Huzzah?
Iran Denies Reports of Explosion at Underground Nuclear Facility
Labels: Economy, Iran, Islamism, Manufacturing, Misfortune, Nuclear Technology
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