
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Supporting Iran's Culture

Political correctness is entrenched, alive and well, thriving happily on university campuses.

There is solidarity between students, between student unions, as long as there is a correct leftist element front and centre. How that element is believed to be present through any campus student group whose connection to the Islamic Republic of Iran can be held to be 'left' is puzzling; more likely that link is one of 'compassion and understanding' and support of Palestinians.

University campuses now represent hotbeds of unquestioning support and dedication to the "Palestinian cause", whatever they take that to be.  So it is that the president of the Carleton University Students' Association has unequivocally offered his good offices on behalf of the Iranian student club that has been recognized as an "extension" of the Iranian embassy.

Gone the embassy, present the Iranian student club. 

"We pride ourselves on the support we provide to all members of the Carleton community.  As such, Carleton students regardless of nationality, ethnicity or religion are Carleton students first and foremost.  We would extend the same level of support to any member of the Carleton community," assured student association president Alexander Golovko.

Who also happens to be an international student, son of a diplomat.

Ah, connections, connections. 

How peculiar; the student president of a Canadian university is a foreign student, now diplomatically nomenclatured as 'international'.  One can only assume Canadian students are too busy, disinterested, bored with it all and happy to hand over to non-Canadians the duties and whatever lustre goes with the position.

As the son of a diplomat and an international student, it makes sense for Alexander Golovko to proffer his unquestioning support to Ehsan Mohammadi, president of the Iranian Cultural Association of Carleton University, himself also the son of a diplomat.  That diplomat happening to be Iranian cultural attache at the embassy, Hamid Mohammadi, himself head of the Cultural Centre of Iran, still operational.

The ongoing presence of the Cultural Centre of Iran with its busy agenda assisting the Iranian Cultural Association of Carleton University in mounting 'cultural programs' may enjoy the goodwill and functional support of the student association's president, but it represents an irritating and perplexing presence to many Iranian Canadians who would far prefer they both be disbanded.

For they claim that the cultural centre is in fact part of the propaganda arm of the Iranian government, one that serves to intimidate emigres, hoping to enlist them in serving the regime's less-than-benign interests.  At the same presenting Iran as a normal country, one with a storied past (true) and overlooking its sullied present.

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