Racism, Discrimination and Intolerance
The first Durban Conference, that travesty of a universal, United Nations-led human rights campaign that focused singularly on the existence of Israel as a blot on the conscience of the world similar to noxious Apartheid South Africa, gave inspiration to those disparate left-wing groups that all seemed to have become afflicted with a sad loss of reason, to come up with the idea of isolating and shaming Israel.
What they have succeeded in doing is shaming themselves as representative of how readily people who believe they are intelligent can succumb to a popular mission shared by others around the Globe who believe similarly that Jews represent the fount of all evil in the world. From Ramallah in the West Bank, a far-reaching public relations campaign saw success in drawing to the Palestinian cause rabid leftists who joined ecstatically with the allure of demonizing Israel.
Within Canada, the movement caught fire, thanks to the strenuously joyful efforts of an influx of new Canadians from the Middle East beloved of left-wing academia, who took the podium at every opportunity to bring authenticity of victimhood to sympathetic academics and unions and students, clamouring for Israel to respect the rights of the disenfranchised, homeless, refugee Palestinians. Those were the Arabs who left the geography that Partition assigned to Israel.
Those Arabs who remained behind and became Israeli citizens have all the privileges of such. The gay and transgendered and lesbian contingents in Canada who decry the social politics of Israel would be forced under cover in the West Bank or Gaza, or alternately might choose to migrate to Israel where gay marriage is officially recognized. It is in Israel that a Palestinian Supreme Court Justice exists, Israel where members of the Knesset count among themselves Palestinians.
An interesting phenomenon for an apartheid state. Israel has never threatened its neighbours. Its neighbours have, time and again, threatened its existence, and gone to war with it, in an effort to dislodge it from the geography. Palestinians in particular, have waged constant guerrilla battles otherwise known as terrorist activities through suicide bombings to destroy peace and stability in Israel. Their children are taught to hate Jews, encouraged to regard martyrdom positively, to believe that one day 'their land' will be recovered.
Jason Kenney, Canada's Minister of Immigration, has addressed himself to the issue, never being one to shirk any confrontation with a genesis in immigration:
"This week is nothing more than an unbalanced attempt to paint Israel and her supporters as racist. I call on all Canadians to reject anti-Semitism and all forms of racism, discrimination and intolerance."
Labels: Anti-Semitism, Canada, Crisis Politics, Culture
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