Paying The Price
It's pretty hard to believe that anyone is of the mind that Iran's threat to the stability and peace (as much as can be said that area of the world is now peaceful) of the Middle East is overblown. Even those who believe that the Islamic Republic of Iran is a repressive, hostile and oppressive threat on a more modest scale to the countries that surround it, cannot get their minds around the inescapable reality that they will present as a much larger threat in the very near future.
With the final achievement of nuclear warheads production, these people who cannot conceive of a tyranny mad enough to unleash bleak nuclear night upon the apprehensive world, believe that Iran will be complacent simply to own nuclear weaponry. That in so doing, they will be satisfied with their achievement, using it as a deterrent to any possible invasion, occupation, or attack by any other nation foolish enough to tempt it to use their final weaponry of mass destruction.
These are the people who decry the despicable regime of Shia Islamism intent on fabricating for itself a return to supremacy as the world's leading Islamic power. But yet they trust in the rationality of human nature that will restrain the Ayatollahs in power from actually using atomic weaponry with the knowledge of the destruction that would unleash. Forgetting that there is nothing rational about a demented belief in divine provenance promising salvation for Iran alone.
Iran's leaders do not fear a cataclysmic upheaval that would occur as a result of mankind's unleashing of nuclear powers. On the contrary, they view it as a positive occurrence, that the chaos would simply hasten the reappearance of the Hidden Imam, upon whose appearance it is guaranteed to the devout of Shia Islam that they and they alone will be elevated, and their enemies will be destroyed.
So much for the intelligent parsing of Iran's plans for the future. It is a future that excludes its enemies, and its enemies are legion. It will remember fondly those who are its friends; Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, Venezuela, North Korea, Pakistan, Afghanistan. But they too, will not survive the Apocalypse of the 12th Imam's return for only the good will survive and the evil will perish.
No one who does not worship and dedicate themselves wholly to Iran's fanatical belief in Shia Islam, will survive for they are evil. As Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei sees it, Iran has nothing to lose and everything to gain. As those with clear vision into the warped mind of the Grand Ayatollah recognize the situation, Iran feels it will gain everything it wishes, and the world will pay the price.

With the final achievement of nuclear warheads production, these people who cannot conceive of a tyranny mad enough to unleash bleak nuclear night upon the apprehensive world, believe that Iran will be complacent simply to own nuclear weaponry. That in so doing, they will be satisfied with their achievement, using it as a deterrent to any possible invasion, occupation, or attack by any other nation foolish enough to tempt it to use their final weaponry of mass destruction.
These are the people who decry the despicable regime of Shia Islamism intent on fabricating for itself a return to supremacy as the world's leading Islamic power. But yet they trust in the rationality of human nature that will restrain the Ayatollahs in power from actually using atomic weaponry with the knowledge of the destruction that would unleash. Forgetting that there is nothing rational about a demented belief in divine provenance promising salvation for Iran alone.
Iran's leaders do not fear a cataclysmic upheaval that would occur as a result of mankind's unleashing of nuclear powers. On the contrary, they view it as a positive occurrence, that the chaos would simply hasten the reappearance of the Hidden Imam, upon whose appearance it is guaranteed to the devout of Shia Islam that they and they alone will be elevated, and their enemies will be destroyed.
So much for the intelligent parsing of Iran's plans for the future. It is a future that excludes its enemies, and its enemies are legion. It will remember fondly those who are its friends; Syria, Hezbollah, Hamas, Venezuela, North Korea, Pakistan, Afghanistan. But they too, will not survive the Apocalypse of the 12th Imam's return for only the good will survive and the evil will perish.
No one who does not worship and dedicate themselves wholly to Iran's fanatical belief in Shia Islam, will survive for they are evil. As Grand Ayatollah Ali Khamenei sees it, Iran has nothing to lose and everything to gain. As those with clear vision into the warped mind of the Grand Ayatollah recognize the situation, Iran feels it will gain everything it wishes, and the world will pay the price.
Iranian soldiers chant anti-Israeli and anti-American slogans Wednesday during a celebration of the 33rd anniversary of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's return from exile. Photograph by: Atta Kenare, AFP, Getty Images, Ottawa Citizen
Labels: Culture, Iran, Technology, Terrorism, Traditions
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