
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Monday, October 05, 2009

He's a Winner!

Quite the fella, he is. See him perform in Parliament. Hear Stephen's verbal lunges at Iggy during Question Period. He can look after himself. Iggy hasn't the vaguest idea, nor has he the political smarts to quite understand that all of the accusations he levels against Stephen have no substance in fact, none whatever. For the fact of the matter is, the hidden agenda that Iggy keeps alluding to has never materialized, and the agenda on the table is actually one that Iggy too has signed on to.

Stephen is one of a kind, really he is. He runs the country with a sure hand, represents Canada with integrity on the world stage, and entertains us as well, with superb aplomb. Yep, this is the fella whom his detractors describe as sour, dour and glum-faced. Well, he's got a lot to think about, hasn't he? The non-committal visage simply reflects the depth of his intelligence and ability, his obvious commitment to the executive position he balances so well.
AP Photo 3 days ago
Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, center, reacts to a standing ovation after he sang and played The Beatles song "With a Little Help From My Friends" on the piano during a surprise appearance at the National Arts Centre Gala in Ottawa, Ont. , <span class=

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper, center, reacts to a standing ovation after he sang and played The Beatles song "With a Little Help From My Friends" on the piano during a surprise appearance at the National Arts Centre Gala in Ottawa, Ont. , Satu...

That's our man, Stephen Harper. This is the economics guru, the intellectual Prime Minister of Canada whom his critics claim couldn't crack a smile even if he saw an elephant in a tutu performing light-as-air twirls. He came on stage !surprise! at the gala National Arts Centre fundraising night to tickle the ivories and sing, along with the accompaniment of cellist Yo Yo Ma and the Celtic group Herringbone to belt out "With a Little Help From My Friends", and he brought down the house.

Good on ya, Mr. Prime Minister. Now you've adequately demonstrated just how human you are, you can once again assume the cantankerous, disinterested disgruntled face we've grown to know and appreciate. We think you're just fine, any which way.


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