
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

The Tri-Muslimeers

One for all and all for one. From Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad (throw in Fatah for good measure) we have a triumvirate excelling in spreading the good name and intent of brotherhood for Islam. These broad-minded, 21st Century, inclusive, civil and basically peaceful but dreadfully misunderstood pioneers of the new Islam, the West erroneously labels Islamist, seek merely to spread their message of fundamental truth.

The geography designated as dedicated to Islam, sanctified and consecrated on behalf of the Prophet and Allah, may not, under any circumstances, fall into the hands of the infidel.

And if the infidel takes on the guise of fellow Arabs who have, by some misfortune of history, corrupted culture and eschewing of the nobility of tribalism by embracing Christianity, they shall not be exempt from divine punishment. These sinners against Islam are as guilty of the corruption of existence as let us say, Jews or Crusaders, commonly referred to as Westerners.

The battle has been joined by those intrepid warriors of Islam, al-Qaeda; jihadists extraordinaire willing beyond the breath of life itself to sacrifice all to expunging the holy geography of traitors, turncoats, lickspittles of the West. And so they go to it with a vengeance, making it perfectly clear to fellow Arabs who have chosen to betray Islam and leave their Muslim heritage behind, to embrace Christianity that they have no legitimacy of existence.

Oops, wait a minute here; isn't this a classic case of what came first? And isn't it an undeniable fact that Christianity spread in the Middle East as an offshoot of Judaism? That Christian thought, practise, and devotion existed for well over a thousand years in that geography before the tentacle spread of Islam?

Inconvenient details. Islam, after all, became the religion, and in some respects a most honourable one - when the sects even at its bare inception weren't incessantly warring with one another and warring with recalcitrant Bedouin tribes - originally spreading the word of peace and brotherhood, even if its adherents were busy practising war and fratricide.

It's just that modern-day Islam, insecure and resentful as it is practised by fundamentalist believers, devotes itself inordinately to the unfriendly practise of preying on those who prefer to pass on its devotion and defer instead to other religions.

The Baha'i are persecuted by Persian Shia Muslims, and Christians by Sunni Arabs. While both Shia and Sunni abhor Judaism and Hinduism and Buddhism. But here's where Palestinian Muslims go the world one better; in the very birthplace of Judaism and Christianity - both of which can claim Islam as a stray offshoot.

The takeover of Gaza by Hamas has effectively breached a wall of compromise and tolerance, giving full vent to the fury of Islamist detestation of the "strangers" in their midst. It is no longer sufficient to attack, maim, murder and inflict damage on Jewish targets within Israel. Attention has also turned unerringly to churches and Christian schools, libraries and social centres.

Islamist terrorists have found great satisfaction in attacking guards recently at the Al Manara school, stealing vehicles owned by the Baptist Holy Book Society and threatening the school's Baptist director. Recent events have demonstrated an increase in attacks on Christians and their institutions, along with infrastructures given to Western values.

Christian Gazans can be forgiven for leaving their ancestral land, since the geography has proven to be inimical to their very existence, their lives, their fortunes, their religious adherence, their children's futures.

A fast-food restaurant close by Al-Quds Open University in Gaza City was destroyed by a bomb, the second such occurrence according to the owner. The Rahabat al-Wardia school operated by nuns was also bombed in May 2008, and while Hamas "condemns" such incidents, it somehow does not appear committed to preventing their occurrences.

The month previous the Gaza Strip's foreign nationals' cemetery was the recipient of a bomb, while the YMCA library in Gaza was broken into and a bomb set off causing extensive damage. The International School in Beit Lahiya was twice attacked, vehicles burned, and equipment stolen but this was a just attack, since the school was accused by its attackers of spreading hatred for Islam.

has commiserated with leaders of the Christian community in Gaza. While remaining complicit with these acts, and actively involved as well, the abduction of a Christian worker for the Holy Bible Society and his subsequent murder being a Hamas operation. All unfortunate incidents according to Hamas, with ongoing investigations in progress, results yet pending.

Presumably including that of their own gunmen vandalizing monasteries and churches. So all is as it should be in the land of Islam, with the defenders of pure Islam ensuring that those who have no business living within the embrace of Islam while denying and defying the Muslim inheritance live with discomfort and the very real potential for an early retirement from life.

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