
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Inactivity On the Political Sphere

All right, what do you do when a runaway locomotive is heading straight for you, and your car has stalled in a tunnel, the locomotive's oncoming light blinding you, as fear strangles reaction and you stand there frozen, awaiting disaster. Shrug your shoulders for the last time before you are smudged out of existence, or leap to the side and avert death. Good plan.

Here's a newly-released federal report warning the government of Canada that disaster looms on the near horizon. The report, titled From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a changing Climate 2007, gives dire warning that changes in Canada's North is setting the stage for conflict as acquisitive nations position themselves over oil and minerals made newly approachable.

Both the changing environment and the mad scramble for resource possession will have its inevitable impact on the people living there and the wildlife and ecosystems. A prospective reality that needs to be better assessed and the political will found to deal with it. That the federal government not long ago stopped funding for research in this area does not bode well for a full understanding of the ramifications of these altered states.

We still aren't certain why the water levels of the Great Lakes, our great and wonderful fresh water resources shared with the United States, have been declining at an an alarming level. If this continues it will impact deleteriously on our shipping industry, and the variability of operation of hydroelectric power. Let alone our reliance on the availability of fresh potable water.

Impending results of ongoing global warming will most certainly have an impact on what remains of Canada's fisheries. British Columbia's valuable salmon will be increasingly unlikely to return to waters that become warmer. Other cold-water species will also be affected, bringing our fisheries to an abrupt and alarming condition, as has happened with the cod fisheries on the East Coast.

The government of Canada is simply not putting enough resources into scientific enquiry in these areas to attempt to better understand the potential destabilizing effects on the country. Our minister of the environment is "unavailable for comment". He has obviously jumped to the side and temporary safety from criticism.

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