
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Aquisitional Aspirations

Wow, weren't the Russians absolute dogs to try to undercut Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Norway and the U.S. in their bid to establish ownership of the Arctic seabed. So what, after all, if any of the others wouldn't do the same, given the opportunity. Well, the opportunity is there, but the Russians made an investment in money, research and adventure and successfully placed their symbol at the bottom of the seabed. Who ever thought they could? So there.

It isn't a done deal, though. Since Canada and others strenuously object to the Russian claims that their geography stretches via their continental shelf under the visible shoreline. All they've got to do is persuade, with scientific proof, the United Nations body tasked with conferring ownership on proof of geography/geology that what they claim is indeed true and consequently theirs to mine at their happy leisure.

But didn't the other countries huff and puff with indignation over this challenge to their purported sovereignty? While forgetting to politely congratulate Russia on her derring-do and enterprise. An amazing success in the face of the great unknown and the unplumbed depths of the ocean. And all for a paltry nation's ransom-worth of minerals and fossil fuels! The UN Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf is awaiting Canada's oppositional entry.

How gauche.

Hey, look here! The former world champion of empire-building has taken a lesson from resurgently-determined Russia. How novel, how quaint, how like a former colonial power. Bad enough Britain steadfastly refuses to recognize the logicality of geographic consanguinity and hand over the Malvinas back to Argentina. Now Britain has ignited another diplomatic hooferaw.

Preparing, no less, to submit a bid to the United Nations to prove that thousands of kilometres of the ocean floor surrounding the Falklands are linked geologically and as such, part of the islands. Which they claim to own. And which they belligerently and some might even aver, hyper-criminally fought back from Argentina in the recent past, sacrificing too many lives in the process of triumphalist ownership.

Argentina, understandably, is less than thrilled. They are aggrieved that Britain has steadfastly ignored their pleas to begin talks about the future of the Malvinas/Falklands. "We are completely opposed to this proposition of the U.K. government to extend its territories."

No kidding!

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