
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Uh, Oh! Egypt is Displeased

So is the United Nations, actually. That august body could be less pleased with Canada's labeling of minorities, visible minorities to be exact, in naming them just that: 'visible minorities' to distinguish them from other people whose physical characteristics do not betray them as being 'other' or 'different' or outside the normal stream of what are generally termed to be people of Anglo-Saxon heritage.

Canada uses these differentiating nomenclatures for a singular purpose. To ensure that people who are visibly different in appearance are not overlooked in opportunities for education or jobs, or that their obviously-different physical appearance does not place them at any kind of disadvantage within the larger society - to ensure that they are fully protected under the law.

How else to name the obvious physical characteristics which stand out so readily, differentiating those blessed with various skin colourations, or mode of dress, or other distinguishing features from the great white horde who, though their origins of birth may not accord with those of Anglo-Saxon heritage still are included within the greater society through lack of distinguishing features?

Now here is Egypt of all countries inferring that Canada is behaving in a racist manner. As though. Egypt has a lot of catching up to do before it reaches the stage of civil liberation and equality of opportunity that Canada offers to its citizens. Egypt, where dissent can be a prison sentence, and outright criticism of the government and more particularly, the ruling elite can land one in a dank dark prison for a languishing-long time.

A little public furore has arisen over a Muslim referee in a Quebec-league soccer tournament ruling that a 11-year-old girl must remove her Islamic headscarf as a safety precaution. A precaution which the international soccer federation itself has promulgated. The little girl refused to remove her hijab, and her team in solidarity with her, removed themselves entirely from the tournament. This was their choice.

But the matter has given rise to criticism against the Quebec soccer league, its referees and the international body which has supported its decision. A kind of perverted logic prevails here; when an individual takes it upon himself to flaunt rules which are respected by all others then that individual is removed from the opportunity to participate - simple as that. The majority accepting such rulings as needful and just does not abdicate responsibility to placate an obdurate minority.

Who really cares if a child wears a head covering while playing a game? Well, jewellery and other coverings such as caps are not permitted. But, the argument goes, this is not jewellery it is an affirmation of faith, as integral to the adherent's needs as a limb, reflecting the depth of faith commitment the individual feels.

Well, Egypt, that bastion of human rights has decreed "The question of wearing the headscarf should remain a part of individual freedoms, so long as it does not harm security, public order or the values of a society". Canada's deputy ambassador was called on the carpet in Cairo to explain at which time it was conveyed to those good authorities that the matter involved a referee's call, it did not represent Canada's official position on anything.

Egypt's emissary to Canada, Mahmoud El-Saeed instructs us that "Egypt just wanted to express their position because, honestly, if you look at things from a world perspective, it is as if Muslim or Islam (sic) are under attack and under siege around the world".

To which I sigh, give us a break.



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