
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Deady Endemic Disease of the MidEast

Interesting how some societies evolve. And some don't. Fascinating that some societies appear to reach their pinnacle in social development, cultural attainment, scientific advances and become a beacon of enlightenment in their time, and then slowly, irrevocably fade into a mere shade of what they were.

Instead of growing on their accomplishments and developing them yet further they recede into the darkness that went before. As though having achieved the stature denied so many others they determined that their achievements weren't worth preserving and lapsed into decline.

It's profoundly sad, puzzling, that a geography and its people with a historical record of high achievement in the arts, poetry, architecture, music, could succumb to the allure of another portion of their tradition; that of military conquest and inter-tribal warfare. From scientific, philosophical and medical achievement to the mind-numbing beggarment of deadly hostilities both inward- and outward-directed.

The ritual of grievance and blame, hate and revenge begins to capture the essence of the culture. Is this destined to bespeak the unalterable future of the Middle East? A sadly bedraggled mentality of anguished strife? The feckless embrace of continual agitation, disaffection, militarism. The greedy expansion of territory at the expense of the neighbour not of one's tradition and tribe?

A people in bondage of servitude to a savage tribal past and the modern misinterpretation of Koranic precepts and admonitions leading to a way of life. An inability to recognize their true oppressors and not continually fall prey to the self-serving motley crew of royals, ayatollahs, mullahs, imams, and political misfits posing as just and trustworthy rulers makes for paltry returns on one's life-investment.

A people exemplifying an appalling culture of violence, a refusal to take responsibility, happy enough to accuse outsiders for their own shortcomings. Truth and justice sacrificed on the alter of illogical hatred obscuring reality. Conscienceless, self-absorbed despots whose last concern is the well-being of the people they misrule are determined to maintain order that benefits their personal longevity and offer nothing in exchange to those subservient to them.

When is the Arab community going to access their potential for independent thought and self-actualization to become part of a mature and functioning society? To welcome the advent of the age of Muslim enlightenment? Where is the momentum to come from, the willingness to reason, to acknowledge failings and strive for better opportunities, better relations, better social conditions, a better society at large?

When will the Arab street decline the invitation to blame and hate others? When will they demand of their rulers equality, justice and opportunity? When will they realize they have been willing dupes long enough and exert the authority of reasonableness?



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