
This is a blog dedicated to a personal interpretation of political news of the day. I attempt to be as knowledgeable as possible before commenting and committing my thoughts to a day's communication.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Hamas Mass Butchery

"Those who wish to 'contextualize' the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a way to dismiss Hamas's brutality prove they do not care about actual suffering. They are more interested in seeing the whole world through a Marxist lens, where there is always an oppressor and an oppressed, and where one group's good fortune can only come through the exploitation of another group."
"Hamas did not attack Israel because of an occupation in Gaza, an occupation that ended in 2005, or because of the years-long blockade against the territory, which Egypt has also enforced. Hamas attacked because it wants to eradicate Israel from the map, and because of its twisted desire to murder Jewish people."
"In practice, a humanitarian pause would be just another way to punish Jews and give comfort to Israel's terrorist enemies. In Gaza, Hamas would be free to continue putting rocket launchers next to schools, using hospitals and residential buildings as military planning bases and stealing aid to fund and support terrorist  attacks. Its own citizens would continue to be deliberately sacrificed for the sole purpose of blaming Israel for their deaths in order to turn international opinion against the Jewish state."
"A so-called humanitarian pause makes this outcome all the more likely. It would give Hamas time to regroup, refuel and refortify, not to mention providing easier access to weapons and other supplies from Iran, its backer. Pausing fighting could also be deadly for Israelis. Retired Canadian General Rick Hillier [said] a pause could result in the deaths of hundreds of soldiers."
Carson Jerema, Journalist, National Post
Israeli soldiers remove the body of a civilian killed in Kfar Aza, a kibbutz close to the border with Gaza. Photograph: Amir Levy/Getty Images
The mind freezes at the appalling brutality and sheer inhumanity of the terrorist attacks that took place in southern Israel at the Gaza border on October 7. The scale of the barbarity, the enjoyment evidenced by the Hamas operatives, their glee in videoing their atrocities, their boastful shout-outs to their companions is breathtaking in the scale of vicious inhumanity portrayed by the terror group. Yet they were assured enough of support from the Arab and Muslim world, particularly that part of the Umma residing in the West, that they proudly circulated the videos on social media.
Israeli soldiers stand by an engine from a hang glider that Palestinian terrorists used a few days earlier in an attack on this kibbutz near the border with Gaza, in Kfar Gaza, Israel, Oct. 10, 2023.  Amir Levy/Getty Images
One video begins with Hamas members camped out along highways relentlessly firing straight at all vehicles driving within reach of their guns, to kill drivers and vehicle occupants. The vehicles, ending up in roadside ditches, are double-checked for anyone still alive, to ensure that additional bullets would take them out of their misery and from life's existence; another notch in the death toll. 

Another video documents terrorists waiting at a gate into a kibbutz where two men are in hiding, emerging only when a car approaches and the gate opens, when they ambush the vehicle  and the driver and passenger are left in pools of blood while a flood of terrorists enter to begin their butchery of the kibbutz residents; children, their parents, grandparents, and the mass rape of girls and women, before some are taken hostage into Gaza, while the village is ransacked.

Hamas members are shown via body-cam footage going house-to-house, firing through windows, ringing doorbells, bursting through doors, setting homes on fire and shooting dogs to death. Grenades are tossed into houses, killing families. These are viral scenes of rabid berserkers intoxicated with death, enjoying the carnage they're perpetrating on innocent civilians; guilty by virtue of the inescapable fact that they're Jews.
Israeli soldiers stand next to the bodies of Israelis killed by Hamas terrorists in kibbutz Kfar Azza.   Ohad Zwigenberg/AP
The terrorists in this well-planned and -executed mass atrocity are armed with grenades and AK-47s, but also with cellphones and body cameras, and big smiles, cheerfully taking pictures for posterity of the scenes they are responsible for having created, bodies strewn everywhere about them, littering the ground soaked with the victims' blood.

And then there are recordings of the victorious return of the terrorists into Gaza, to a heroes' welcome, dragging with them young women, beaten and raped, half-clothed, viewed lying battered and comatose on the backs of trucks. When Israel collated the videos and produced a longer version of their own for instructive purposes, and exposed the footage to the international press, some of the best-known news sites distinguished themselves by writing up the event, while carefully avoiding using the word 'terrorists'.

Even before Hamas had completed its day of slaughter, there were 'protesters' out in public proclaiming their pride in Palestinian 'resistance', celebrating Hamas's victory over the 'occupier'. And before Israel had the opportunity to begin responding to this horrendous act of war, the nattering began over its 'disproportionate' response, not one shot yet fired back in defence against the terrorists. In Ireland, its premier suggested that Israel's response amounted to 'collective punishment'; the campaign in Gaza, said its foreign minister "disproportionate by any measure".

The Israel Defense Forces placed countless calls, sent out text messages, dropped hundreds of thousands of leaflets on Gaza warning civilians to evacuate areas being targeted. Awkward to say the least, considering that Hamas built tunnels purposely along with subterranean bases underneath hospitals, schools and mosques, placing rocket launchers next to apartment blocks and playgrounds. And as Israel responds, Hamas has instructed its people not to evacuate, despite the warning from Israel.

Kibbutz Kfar Aza, Israel, where Hamas terrorists attacked, and killed scores of people.
ABC News

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